



積分: 68

發表於 04-6-12 22:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇柏景湾�帝柏海湾BB妈咪

Dear all,

I live at Island Harbourview, can I join you? However, I can go to the club house of Central Park because my sister-in-law lives there and I have the resident ID. My boy and girl are just 7 months now. I always want to find some playmates who live nearby for them but don't know how. It's great to see you have such a club here! As our babies are of similar age, let's organize some activities at clubhouse or somewhere else. Hope to see you soon.


Hope you will get well soon. Don't worry, everything will be settled at last.


積分: 68

發表於 04-6-14 23:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇柏景湾�帝柏海湾BB妈咪


My kids are born in November, so they are just 7 months. My gilr like congee very much and she can finish a bowl every time, 2 times a day. My maid usually cook tomato, carrot, pumkin, spinch,choi sum with fish or pork for the congee. However, my boy hate congee very much so he only take infant cereal. They have different character and different taste.

We want to take the bb to the swimming pool but just afraid that the water is still not hot enough. My girl has sensitive skin. Can I bring her to swim(just play with water actually)? As you konw, the pool water has added some chemical. Usually i will bring them to the clubhouse of Island Harbourview. But if you can tell me what time you would be in CP's clubhouse in holidays, maybe i can join you. You can easily identify us, as we have 2 bb.

Sorry that I don't know how to type in Chinese.


積分: 68

發表於 04-6-15 22:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇柏景湾�帝柏海湾BB妈咪

Dear mabel and birdbird,

My kids are under-weight,they are born at just a little bit over 4lbs only. Now they are still not heavy, about 15.5 lbs only. How can i make them fatter?

Their appearance is totally different. Goi Goi looks like daddy and mui mui looks like me. Both of them have big eyes.

I am a working mom so can only bring the kids to clubhouse during holidays. The CP clubhouse is quite good indeed( the one for bb, not big child) because there are so many toys. There is a deer? house? that the bb can sit on it and jump, have you try that?

I would buy 'sashimi' salmon for cooking congee for mui mui. Last time i go to Park'n and ask the young boy at the sashimi counter to cut just 6 thin slices for me! It's just $13. The boy is so puzzle and he argue with me that he think salmon is not suitable for baby! Such a cute boy.


積分: 68

發表於 04-9-13 23:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇柏景?�帝柏海?BB?咪

Dear all,

Long time no see la! So gald to see that we have got so many new members. I have missed your last gathering, should we arrange another one soon? Maybe we can try the small cafe at Golf Gym but I forget if they have non-smoking area.


Do you remember me? We have once met at LEE PO COURT (I remember you said your boy?girl? is 8 month) and you asked me something about my Indonesia maid. I am with my husband, my maid and my kids. So happy to meet you here again.


積分: 68

發表於 04-10-27 13:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇柏景?�帝柏海?BB?咪


Long time no chart la! I have been so busy these weeks that cannot visit this topic very often. My kids will turn one next month. Any good playgroup recommended nearby?

Also, have you gone to the 救世軍 open day? Is it good? I have not got the invitation because they would only invited bb who will be old enough,i.e.24 months in Sep 2005 to the open day!


