




積分: 7995

發表於 04-8-3 13:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔夠奶, 想放棄!


when i returned to work, i only pumped my milk during lunch and after work, so they are not enough for baby for whole day, eventhough i pumped more on Sat and Sunday. then i gave him one meal or twice meal of formular once a week, but everyday i had to rush to home to feed him as no stock , the pressures were a lot. luckily, when i learned " pump one side and feed another side ' from BK moms,
eventhough it is midnight 3:00am, i will pump milk and feed at the same time, and tried very hard to pump more at home, after i know " eventhough you feel breast is " empty", once baby is sucking, you will immediately produce more milk".... so finally i am the 100% breastfeed mom from 3 months until now.( 10 months)., eventhough you are on shift, keep pumping at midnight , by the way, is there any hotel,
public toilet near your office? you can go there for pumping. .
why you cannot pump milk in your office? dirty?
or you don't want your colleague know?


積分: 7995

發表於 04-8-3 15:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔夠奶, 想放棄!

hi! , mango22

i have the experience before, when i travelled to
China's factory for business trip whole day,
the toilet in the factory was not very cleaned,
but i still pumped my milk. Same as the practise
as now i pump in the office, i washed my hands and
then touched everywhere by using a tissue, then
i closed the racket of the toilet seat by using a tissue,
seat there and started pumping.
ensure your hand is clean and when you touch everywhere in the toilet,
do not directly use your hand to touch them, so it will be

for my schedule on Sat & Sun, when my baby has not yet started
soild, i did not have enough milk stock so i pumped milk in the morning,
feed one side and pump another side, like 3-4 ozs, did one more at night,
actually it is very free that you can schedule by your self, so you can
gradually save more milk, and when your baby has solid, your pressure will
be less.



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