




積分: 391

發表於 04-10-23 09:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 胎盤太低, 易出血, 會點???????

Dear Eojj,

Hi, I have same problem as yours. I was also advised it wpild be raised up later. doctor also warned me not to have sex and once I found blood stain, I should admit into hospital. But if it does not raise up, I may not able to deliver the baby naturally. This is also my third baby (3rd son) and the expected date is also 3rd February 2005. So amusing!!

Take care!



積分: 391

發表於 04-10-23 11:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 胎盤太低, 易出血, 會點???????

My elder son is 8 years old(P.3 student) and the younger son is 5 and half (k3). This 3rd one is of course an accident. Everyone asked me if I want to have a girl. To be honest, it is true. But it is also fine to know it is also a boy. I need not to worry about to change a new flat with 3 rooms, just put all 3 'monkeys' in the same room. How about your baby, boy or giri?

I delivered the 2 sons naturally, of course, I hope I don't need to have operation this time. I will try to take more rest. However, sometimes it is very exhausting to take care of that two monkeys at the same time. So I asked the new maid arrived around one month before my expected date in order to adjust mutually. (At present, my mother-in-law takes care of my sons, but she is too old to take care of the new born.) :mrgreen:


積分: 391

發表於 04-10-25 17:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 胎盤太低, 易出血, 會點???????

I am also a working mother, but finanically I have to work and I don't think I can be a good full-time mother. I plan to have 3 weeks maternity leave before the expected date as it will be too hard for me to wake up early when my belly is so big. I delivered the 2 sons in QEH so will I this time. How about you?


積分: 391

發表於 04-10-26 12:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 胎盤太低, 易出血, 會點???????

Oh!! You should take more rest. As age grow older, I also feel my energy also physical condition are worse than before. Eat more healthy food and get rest will help.

Best wishes! :mrgreen:



