



積分: 2587

發表於 12-1-22 04:43 |顯示全部帖子
have anyone heard about "Nip Sze Jing" in Sunset district S.F.?


積分: 2587

發表於 12-1-22 13:33 |顯示全部帖子
why? is Nip Sze Jing expensive? or keep asking you to come back?

we'd never seen him, but i heard that a couple of my friends (their whole family) been seeing him for a long time. they go all the way to S.F. from the South Bay to see him, even when they're pregnant.

i know he's at least much cheaper than the Dr. Yau Gar Ling that my kid had seen for his eczema problem. and all my friends' kids had seen her for about 1/2 year (once a week).


積分: 2587

發表於 12-1-23 09:25 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 bee_happy 於 12-1-23 09:26 編輯

don't really know which Chinese herbalist is good then ...

but for the eczema problems, it might be true that it takes a long time to cure. lots of my friends' kids saw Dr. Yau Gar Ling (who speaks Mandarin and fluent English) in S.F. for eczema, asthma and adjusting health. all of them saw her for 1/2 year (once a week, $165 for a week's medicines, that's 4 to 5 yrs ago). also, u don't know what they're taking becoz the medicines are in the form of powders and no prescriptions were ever given out.
however, after my kid taken the medicine for a few days, he seemed to have allergic reaction and Dr. Yau didn't it when I asked her about it. then she canceled his next appointment.

my friend told me to try Dr. Nip but i haven't tried so far as he didn't take appointments and hard to find parking in the Sunset area.


積分: 2587

發表於 12-1-24 07:56 |顯示全部帖子
yes, $165/week was about 4 to 5 years ago! also, as i said, need to see her and take the "unknown" medicines for 1/2 year. you'll be surprised that still lots of people (even the 6-month-old Caucasian babies saw her).

she's the professor of a local Chinese Herbalist University and can speak fluent English.

amazingly, all my friends' kids were fully recovered from eczema, asthma, and other health problems after taken her medicines for 1/2 year. and the problems never came back again and their immune system became much stronger too.
my kid's case was the only weird exception!


積分: 2587

發表於 12-2-24 06:37 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry ... I don't know Dr. Nip's exact address! I only heard that he's in Sunset district in S.F. Maybe at Noriega & 20th something St.

Maybe rosemag can tell you ...

Or I can try to ask my friend ... She's been seeing him for more than 2 years since she got miscarriage and now she's pregnant again. But she keeps seeing him every other week even she's doing ok.


積分: 2587

發表於 12-3-1 04:34 |顯示全部帖子
Finally I found Dr. Nip's address and I'm going to pm you!


