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叻叻勳章 親子達人勳章

發表於 11-12-17 22:18 |顯示全部帖子
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My son has moved into primary school, as an only child and grown up with the friends around him, it was very difficult for him to adjust, both emotionally and mentally. He has always been very self centered as an only child and likes to play in the fantasy worlds that he has created around the cartoons he watches. One day one of the teachers has called me to tell me that my son had kicked someone at school and wants me to follow up on it as he would not talk to the teachers about what had happened.
So when he returned home I waited till he was settled then we had a long chat it was cause the other boy was trying to fight him and say bad things about "his world". After listening to him, I slowly explain that the other boy just wanted to play with him and didn't know much about "his world" and should explain to the other boy that fighting is not a good game to play. After out chat, me and my son drew a card to say he is sorry for kicking cause it was not a nice thing to do. Now the boy and my son are the best friends in class and they share ideas and games together all the time.


