



積分: 231

發表於 06-12-21 00:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hello, everybody,

I stay in KL for about three years already, nice to meet you, I am also from HK and marry a Malaysian guy. I also miss HK so much. Merry Christmas to you all and wish you have a happy life in Malaysia.
I am so happy there are mummy living in KL as well.... [quote]


積分: 231

發表於 06-12-23 20:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hello Cathyl, Hello Kitty,

好開心, 原本都有好多人嫁來大馬, 我之前在媽媽王國識了angel, 還有機緣巧合下, 識多2個hk人, 我們都是來了3件多.
我同我先生在英國認識, 原本你們都是在外國識架. 我現在有了5個月多, 是頭一胎. 我現在幫我朋友手, 當然薪水唔多, 我們仲係唔俾做嘢. 你問我習唔慣呀, 問心呀, 仲唔慣, 尤其天氣和嘢食, 緊係hk好啦. 無這麼悶嗎.

我自己有揸車, 我之前悶的時候, 有時咪去吓1utama 或者the Curve 行吓, 大部份時間都在屋企, 現在比較少出, 要小心, 因為你和大馬人揸車, 狼到死.

你住在Kepong哪裡, 我住在Kepong, Taman Sri Sinar,Hello Kitty & Angel 住在Mont Kiara, 好近呀. 我們遲些可以組織HK CLub... Hahaha

你說得對, 我之前和你傾過計. 但之前個post, 俾人cut咗. 如果下次你來KL,可以出來見吓. 我睇好多hk人嫁去singapore, 是唔係, 你們在singapore 有冇組織媽媽會?

cathyl 寫道:
hello cece,

噚日掛住整理浠浠既相簿, 都唔得閒上黎留言..
m..我同你都一樣,會掛住hk既野食.. k.l 呢度又係有好多香港茶餐廳..不過d質數差又係普普通通..
我喺kl既生活呢... 悶囉... 因為我無朋友喺kl,最多都係得我老公既表妹同表so可以傾得埋d... 我又無返工... 所以成日都係喺屋企囉. 好就好在唔駛同inlaw一齊住..
依家個囝大咗..好d啦.. 以前個仔細時...自己一個孤苦零丁湊住隻仔, 叫天不應叫地不閒既嗰段時間真係好難過.. 奶奶係嗰d所謂新潮奶奶, 無幫手湊bb架...係咁義嚟望下就算... 我parents 就香港,new zealand 加埋我呢邊, 走黎走去囉.. 反而佢地幫我手仲多....
我同老公係喺n.z 讀書既時侯識既.. :)

hello jelly fish,

你好呀... 你同我差不多喎... 我都係3年左右.. 你習慣嗎?
有無返工架? 有無children?



積分: 231

發表於 06-12-26 21:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hiya Hello Kitty,

Can't believe you are going to deliver the bb in HK too. What is your due date?? Angel one is in Jan and mine one is end of Apr, our bb will have friends then.... so lucky ....I think we should form our KL club so that when you back to KL, our bb will be a member... hahaha...

HelloKitty2003 寫道:
Hi msangelhk,

nice to meet you. I live in Laman Suria. I am also now in HK and I will give birth in HK too in the early next year. I will go back to Malaysia in mid of next year. I am also very regretted to 返嚟HK生BB呀.....Maybe we can form a KL club so that we know meet sometimes.


積分: 231

發表於 06-12-26 22:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


kepong baru, 好近呀, 我地可吃吓飯, 飲吓茶.
我住在kfc 對面的後面的排屋. 哈哈, 我有時都去kfc的pasam malam 的. 有一上當的豆腐花好吃.

我諗住在kl 生bb, 我未定在邊度生. ....
我都好lazy , 不過幫朋友, 賺少少啦.

可能我地見過都唔定..... 你有冇email add or tele. no. 我地可以chitchat 吓.

Hello Kitty & Angel 很啱會在hk生bb, 真是 ...但很開心, 原來有人住在附近. 仲係同聲同氣...

cathyl 寫道:
Hello Jelly fish,

o... 你住sri sinar 呀.. 好近喎, 係咪kfc 嗰頭呀? 我地有時都會去嗰度 monday 既 pasam malam 架. 我住kepong baru, 人地所講既甲洞山頂, mobil 油站附近囉.

你5個幾月... 到時諗住喺邊度生呀? 我係喺華人醫院生既..

我都係去下the curve同 1-u 多.. 會唔會之前已經見過?? hahha


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-1 16:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


你好! 我會在KL 生. 不過未定在邊間醫院生. 我都少一個人去街, 因為體力大不如前. 但有時候都會去行一陣. 哈哈.

如果有機會你來kl, 我地可以見吓面.
你地在新加坡都好呀, 得閒有見面. 我在這裡自己的朋友不多, 但現在起碼有媽媽王國的朋友.
你說得對, 我同老公有一種" 有緣千里能相會", 真係"走唔甩", 哈....

我同我奶奶住, 還可以啦. 我想我奶奶會幫我湊半日的.
Happy New Year.... keep in touch...
CeCe 寫道:
你都有了5個月啦! 恭喜恭喜! 會吾會返HK生? 係呀,你一個大肚婆吾好周圍去了,最好有人倍,ya?
haha...我雖然去過KL好多次,但係你地講果d地方,我一d都吾識啊! 如果我下次嚟,一定找你地傾下計! hee... :mrgreen:
係呀,嚟到有好多HK mamas嫁過嚟,我地冇話組織mama club,但係都有聯駱及見面,加上我之前在sg做過嘢都有朋友,所以還好啦! 你都係在外國識你老公呀! 有冇一種"有緣千里能相遇"既感覺呢? 你要吾要同inlaw住? 第時有冇人幫你揍bb呢? take care! :mrgreen:


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-2 22:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Dear ShunShunMami,

My doctor's clinic is in Gleneagles, I may go for Gleneagle for delivery but not sure yet. The possibility is quiet high. If I ask for the same doctor to do the delivery for me, the fees is quiet high though. Thank you so many for your caring. It seems like you live nearby Cathyl and I, we both live in Kepong, nice to meet you as well. So glad to know there are so many people married to Malaysian guys, can't believe it. I am so happy to know you all. By the way, you are living near Selanyang Mall, it is very near Kepong, why you say you back to KL this CNY, where are you now?
I heard of Damasara Hospital which is quiet good, isn't it. Have you got email address or msn , I already add Cathyl on my msn list, so that we can chit-chat sometimes when she is free.

ShunShunMami 寫道:
Jelly fish,

which doctor do you go for pre-natal check-up ar? any ideal hospitals in mind?? need to be close to home wor. Wish you all the best lar! Take care.

Hi cathyl,

I was living in Taman Intan Baiduri (close to Selayang Mall). Will be back to KL this CNY. Let's see if we can meet meet in Kepong ar?

my gal was born in Damasara Specialist Hospital by induction. Now 16 months lur... can be a friend of your son.


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-3 12:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


I agreed , no need to know abt hospital, I just heard it from my friends, I know the one you mentioned, not bad.

I heard that Gleneagle is not expensive as Damansara Specialist hosipital, I thought Damansaar is much expensive, isn't it. I don't know yet la, well, I think it's about 3000+, isn't it. Hopefully, I want a natural delivery, otherwise, costs will double, so expensive.


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-4 03:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Elefan 老婆,

Thanks for the information! Where are you living now? How many children do you have? Nice to meet you ...


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-4 03:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


When I got my international driving license, I was not dare to drive in KL as well, it took me about more than three months to get used to it. I just drove around my garden at that time and practise at night time with my husband. I have no sense of direction and I am dare to drive now cos it's more convenient to go around by yourself. It takes time, no worry, I believed you can do it. Now I am become one of them (KL people), like a cow..... hahaha..... you know the rules here, you will be fine.
By the way, is your gal coming back for kindergarden?
As you say, I will think abt of Gleneagle then.... which DR. did you see last time when you were pregnant?


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-5 03:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Happy to hear that you bb will come out soon, very excited, isn't it. I believed that you have already prepared everything you need. Your due date is before CNY or after CNY?
Good luck and take good care of yourself.

Elefant老婆 寫道:
Nice to meet you too. Staying in Penang right now... am having our first baby in Feb. [quote]
Jelly_fish 寫道:
Elefan 老婆,

Thanks for the information! Where are you living now? How many children do you have? Nice to meet you ...


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-8 03:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

I still haven't bought anything for bb yet, I will start this month. Wait for the second season Sales, trying to compare price of the bb and mummy's stuffs. It seems like some of the stuff is cheaper and quality is better in HK. Car Seat is no hurry, I think it's fine, you can get it later.

Where are you usually buy the bb stuff in malaysia, any mummy's have any idea, which places or which shops are good.



積分: 231

發表於 07-1-8 23:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽

I missed the big sales last year, I believed that as you say, the next sale should be in March or April. You are right, bb grows very fast, just buy essential one is enough.

The link is very useful, thank you very much.

By the way, where is teh Plan te Enfants?


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-11 23:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽

Thank you very much for your information, you are great, you can find out the large outlet, better than go to mothercare (too small)/ disneyworld cartoon.... etc.... I believe the quality is better....

I am going to look at it this weekend...

Elefant老婆 寫道:

I am not sure where Atria is but here is a link. http://www.lienhoe.com.my/atria.htm

The one at the Mall is opposite PWTC (where PC fair and many Hi-fi conventions are held) I remember the Mall is where Legenda Hotel is.

We wanted to visit Planete Enfants because they carry goods from Quinny, Peg Perego and Maxi-Cosi.


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-11 23:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽

Dear ShunShunmami,

I don't mind the 2nd hand breastfeeding set and the storage bottles as long as you don't need it. It can save more money. But are you going to have a girl soon. Hehehe....

Actually, most of the things like babybed, stroller, milk sterliser are also from my friends, there is so many money to spend for baby... thank you so much... I am so appreciate for your help.

From your experience, I am going to get the diaper cloths, you are right, especially in Malaysia, hot weather, I believe it must be better for bb.


積分: 231

發表於 07-1-11 23:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽

I agreed, KL people drives like crazy bull.... I have this kind of experienced before, not first time, so I have to pay a lots of attention when I drive. They are horrible and they never follows the rules, especially some Malay who drive the car often don't look at the mirror and just cut the line without signal.... they are so rude... better get the car seat for safety....

Elefant老婆 寫道:
我老公堅持要買car seat﹐佢覺得唔可以就o甘抱住就坐晌架車入面﹐呢邊D交通真係好危險﹐同埋條路又窄﹐尤其電單車個D﹐好似唔要命o甘﹐左右兩架包差扒你頭。試過有一次﹐有個電單車猛人﹐原本晌我後面(大家都係中線)﹐我已經打燈要轉右線﹐夠膽死晌後面加速﹐ ?-( (我果時架車已經切緊入右線)同我鬥快轉右線﹐再從我架車右面加速轉左方扒我頭 。我晌司機位好清楚睇到差少少我地就撞。




積分: 231

發表於 07-1-15 23:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽

Elefant老婆 ,

I went to the mega store yesterday, the mall one is the bigest one. The result is .... very disappointed. Most of the bb stuffs are expensive cos most of them are imported. Not much choices, honestly, there is lots of toys for children but not much things to buy for bb. My husband and I didn't buy anything, we want to buy the milk bottles (AVENT) but we found out that HK is cheaper and Cathyl told me Singapore is cheaper as well.

Anyway, it is good to see the megastore, besides the strollers and beds are good quality .... you can go and have a look, other than that, most of the bb stuffs, you can get it from other shops, like mothercare etc.....

Anyway, thank you for your information. Hope you can found the stroller you want, don't go to Atria one cos I called them up to check which one is bigger, they told me the mall one is the biggest.


積分: 231

發表於 07-3-18 23:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hiya ShunShunMami ,

I am sorry for the late reply cos I am so tired everyday and seldom turn on computer except in office. I have to sleep a lots and really hardly move now. My due date is 28 Apr, my bb is now 34 weeks, time flies, one more month to go. Hehehe, as I told you earlier, I can't walk much, I will feel pain on my abdoment and have to sit down immediately. I seldom go to shopping and I amost finish bb shopping, just one or two things left that my hubby can get it for me later on.

It was so nice to see you last time, just give us ring when you back to KL.

Elfant 老婆,
Congratulations ah, I believed that you have delivered already, how is bb, I am so excited to see my one coming....


積分: 231

發表於 07-3-20 01:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


I am fine , thank you. Just very tired now, can't walk much, Dr. ask me don't go shopping anymore, if I walk too much, bb may come out earlier, I have to sit down after 15 mins when I go to shopping mall. I need a lots of rest, so I stop shopping and take a rest at home. Just one more month to go.. so excited.

Your little girl is so cute, I like the pic ... how are you in HK anyway?? Happy?? Hope you are fine, I understand you miss your husband. Have you plan to ship all the stuffs back to KL?? You bot too many things in HK la.... hahaha.....

msangelhk 寫道:
Jelly_fish, how u now? no worry anything, then everything will be easy!

Just confirm Apr 9 ticket back KL, so I can see your bb come

好掛住 KL 張 king size bed


積分: 231

發表於 07-3-20 01:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


I am fine , thank you. Just very tired now, can't walk much, Dr. ask me don't go shopping anymore, if I walk too much, bb may come out earlier, I have to sit down after 15 mins when I go to shopping mall. I need a lots of rest, so I stop shopping and take a rest at home. Just one more month to go.. so excited.

Your little girl is so cute, I like the pic ... how are you in HK anyway?? Happy?? Hope you are fine, I understand you miss your husband. Have you plan to ship all the stuffs back to KL?? You bot too many things in HK la.... hahaha.....

msangelhk 寫道:
Jelly_fish, how u now? no worry anything, then everything will be easy!

Just confirm Apr 9 ticket back KL, so I can see your bb come

好掛住 KL 張 king size bed


