




積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-20 15:05 |顯示全部帖子

OIC. The black chiffon blouse Kalani wore?? Very nice ah! Kalani is very slim and stylish in that blouse and pearl necklace.


Did you decide what you will buy for your b-day gift? Another chanel bag or watch?


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-21 12:09 |顯示全部帖子
Hello sisters,

Pls. check PM.


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-21 12:12 |顯示全部帖子

Your new sunglasses and reissue is very nice. I don't think 228 looks big on you. Which shop you got the reissue from?


Your Chanel collection is expanding very fast lately. Congrats! Remember to post us pic!


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-21 12:16 |顯示全部帖子

Did you just reply my PM? I am sorry that I deleted it mistkanely. Could you pls resend? Thanks!


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-21 13:39 |顯示全部帖子

Checked. Thanks for the info.

原文章由 happychu 於 07-9-21 13:27 發表
puffpuff, replied , check pm please :mrgreen:


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-21 17:41 |顯示全部帖子

I am also sick! I think I spread the virus to you. Coz I was coughing and having runny nose since kast Sunday. I tried not to talk that much, but still transferred it to you. So sorry about that!

I took the cough syrup and medicine, but doesn't really work on me. I am gonna to cough my lungs out.:-(


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-21 21:36 |顯示全部帖子

On the way to the fathering, I was coughing very seriously. That's why I worn long sleeve and have a scarf with me. But it was so strange that I didn't feel itchy on my throat all the way in the gathering. Maybe the excitment overtode the virus temporarily.

I didn't sleep well in past few days coz my throat has been very itchy and can't help not to cough. My aunt taough me to drink a cup of hot ginger water and it really works. Hope I will have a good sleep tonite.

Have a nice weekend!

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-9-21 22:30 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-26 13:41 |顯示全部帖子
Hello All,

Belated happy Mid-autumn festival! I am still feeling very sick, so didn't get online for awhile. I saw another doc again and finally someone could give me medicine which can reallu cure my coughing. Hope everyone is doing well and is having good holiday with family!


Wish you well! Do you feel better now?


Glad to hear that you bought a new bag. Remember to post pic.


Congrat for your new post. Wish you all the best!

Got to catch up my sleep now. ttyl!


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-28 20:26 |顯示全部帖子
Hello sisters,

I did read all your posts everyday. But my brain is just not working, so didn't make any reply.

That sunglasses is really nice and pretty! Kalani, fatping1 and you are now triplet and you girls have established another chanel sunglasses club.

I am doing much better now. At least coughing less than last week and finally could sleep well.

I also think Jackey Chxxxx is very crazy. I can't imagine how they could fire so many maids within a few years. I think their standard might be too high that no yanyan/bunbun could achieve it. Sometimes managing household stuffs is just like running a company. Although many yanyan/bunbun are very bad, you fire this one and you think you can employ a better one. But there is always one mountain higher than another one.

Honestly, I never and ever have a maid at home, not even before I got marry. I only employed local helper. But finally my DH and I decided to get a yanyan. Our new yanyan will come to work for us starting from mid-Dec. She will be my first maid and I am quite anxious now. Reading so many threads about maids on BK, the 有料 pork chop by Kadie's maid and so on..... seems I need to prepare a lot of house rules and stuffs to manage her. Hope she is not be my nightmare.


積分: 1571

發表於 07-9-30 12:50 |顯示全部帖子

Thanks for your opinions about how to treat maid and I totally agree with you. I think I will just 隨緣 and don't worry too much.

Happy trip to Taiwan! When will you leave?


Welcome back!


Post your modelling pic of the new metallic bag!! DO you know what new things they will have on Oct 1? I will go to TST on tue and hope will have time to drop by the Canton Road shop.


Nice grey jumbo. The color is very unique. Is the new chain longer than the classic one for this jumbo?


I think you are already in Japan now. Anyways, can't wait to hear your about 收穫 when you are back.


Have a nice National holiday!

Btw, here is some new bags from 2008 cruise posted on PF.





I like #1.

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-9-30 12:51 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-9 21:30 |顯示全部帖子
Hello ladies,

Haven't talked for a very very long time and already so many pages to catch up!

My respiratory allergy has been killing me in these few weeks. I am trying to drink more 川貝 soup to strengthen my respiratory system. Hope it will work coz I don't want taking anymore western medicine.


Glad to hear that you had a great trip in Japan. I used to buy a lot of blue label clothing a few years ago. But the style is getting very similar each year, so didn't buy in recent trip. Did you use the VIP card which could save points and then redeem for cash? I also love buying stockings and socks in Japan. Just so crazy about stockings! Couldn't see so many styles in HK. Actually, I don't wear them very often. They are only my collectible items.


How is your lip? Have you ever tried La Mer lip balm? It really works well for drp lips.


Can't wait to see your necklace and grey patent photos. I also ordered navy patent jumbo. So itchy to grab something before the price increase.


Elements mall is at Kowloon station. There are many designer brands shops, H&M, Zara and Threesixty. I haven't been to there yet. But I got a flyer in my mailbox and it is the mall directory. So I know what shops in there. My sister told me that all the stores will be in business in mid-Oct.

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-10-9 21:37 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-10 15:01 |顯示全部帖子

Congrats for the new driver. You don't need to worry about this anymore. Will you consider training a bunbun to be your driver in the future? That's what my father did and the bunbun has been helping him for more than 10 years now. Except being a driver, he also helps a lot on many household stuffs.


If the cough isn't very serious, it's better not taking too much medicine. Take care la!


Sorry I thought it's a handbag. I didn't go through all the posts and maybe I overlooked the old posts.

How are you doing devil #1? Navy patent jumbo is very nice and I bought it la. The color is same as your sister's reissue, very nice ah! Come join me!!!

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-10-10 15:26 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-10 17:10 |顯示全部帖子

Of coz. It's better to wait when your kids are older.


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-10 18:00 |顯示全部帖子

My father did the same thing. He hired the female bunbun 1st and then he knew that her DH is also working in HK. So he hired him and the male bunbun mainly is responsibled for gardening. Then, my father sent him to the driving school and so he could also work as a driver.


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-11 11:40 |顯示全部帖子

Yes you are right. You really have a huge collection of CHANEL. You could keep using different bags for 7 days without repeating! Have you used your reissue yet? Don't leave them alone in the closet la.


Did you buy the cashmere X silk shawl from LV? I love that LV shawl very very much. I have one in black and another one in camel. They are so verstaile and very stylish. This shawl is my MUST HAVE item for travelling coz I use them as a blanket on the flight. Really keep you warm from the freezing temp.


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-11 12:33 |顯示全部帖子
Hello sisters,

I want to buy pearl necklace and I need your girls' opinion. Many PFers own the 1st one, but I am thinking if it is too simple and too many fake out there.

#1 Can be worn in 2 ways


[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-10-11 13:20 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-11 13:22 |顯示全部帖子
I edited the photos la.

#1 Can be worn in 2 ways



積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-11 15:18 |顯示全部帖子

I haven't seen the denim one before. Is it also cashmere X silk? LV raised up the price every year for the shawl. It's ever-green item and it's better to collect your favourite color before another price increase.

I probably will go for the 1st one coz more simple and easier to match with my clothing.


Which necklace you are looking for? Sorry I didn't go through the old posts. Btw, thanks for clarifying. Maybe my name is too similar to PEEPEE.


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-11 21:07 |顯示全部帖子

I am also afraid of the line-up outside the store, especially the Canton Road store. I would rather go to the Pennisula one to buy LV even though my office is just across from harbour city.

I never seen the pearl necklace in person. So it looks yellowish? Am I taking risk to buy it if I order from my SA (CARxxx) without checking it in person?


LV shawl is really in super price comparing to its other collection. It's really good investment to buy that shawl. I love to give it as a gift to my friend and family. Not expensive, but very 大體!


I also think you should hire a driver. Having a driver could make life easier and also it's claimable ah ma! Just joking.

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-10-11 21:49 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-12 11:10 |顯示全部帖子
Good morning sisters,

I will check out TST chanel store at lunch and will report to you girls afterwards.

Thanks for all your opinions.


Your grey patent heels are very nice. It looks quite high heel. Is it 3"?

Is your new CHANEL necklace different from the one you bought before? Sorry it's quite difficult to tell from the pic.

[ 本文章最後由 puffpuff 於 07-10-12 11:13 編輯 ]


