




積分: 427

發表於 05-4-21 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

想在公眾預約借此本有趣的書, 竟然不能外借 :-( :-(
真失望呀 :-(
FXPC 寫道:
The followings are the pictures from this Everyone Poops (My Body Science).

Really Funny!!!


積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-21 12:57 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫


Have you seen my duckling?
by Nancy Tafuri

This book is about a mother duck that cannot find one of her ducklings. She goes around asking the other denizens of the pond if they have seen it. The fun thing is that, if you look, you will find where the duckling is.
There are few words in this book, so be aware of the reading level (baby-preschool). However, the artwork is very well done, and the fun of having the little reader find the missing duckling on each page makes the whole thing worthwhile.

Good good, can be borrowed from library. Still very new!!!
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-21 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

[size=large]The Gum on the Drum: Level 1

by Barbara Gregorich

It is a Start-to-Read Level 1 book.

It is about a bear who is a member in a band. One day, the bear chew the gum while banging the drum. The gooey chewing gum got stuck onto the drum stick... then the drum... the gongs.... and even the whole body of the bear. The story ending is: the bear got a shave of all his hair , resulting in a very punk look.

A little interesting point is that there was a rabbit secretly taking a photo of the gummy bear and sold it to a mouse at the end of the story. It is fun to look at such minor details of the story.

A very funny book for very young kids.

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 12613

發表於 05-4-21 14:51 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

Have you seen my duckling? by Nancy Tafuri

- I was the 1st to borrow this book from Wan Chai public library at the end of last year.

Very nicely drawn inserts.


積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-21 17:30 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

[size=large]What's Out There? A book about the spaceby Lynn Wilson, Paige Billin-Frye

It is perhaps the best book to introduce space and 9 great planets to very young kids.

Quote from others: "What a GREAT book!Introducing the space to my 3.5 yrs old son in a simple way, "What's Out There" is exactly what I wanted. He is so captivated by this book, it is short, simple and easy to understand. It is perfect for him now and will be for the next several years. All of the basics are covered such as the 9 planets and their relation to the sun, how the earth travels around the sun and spins, the moon, gravity, the make-up of all the planets, asteroids etc. Each topic is explained in a fun and easy way for a child to understand and the illustrations are wonderful. Highly recommend as a first book about space!"

Worth buying (and so I did!). Thin and light.

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-21 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

[size=large]The Hide and Ghost Seekby Carol Thompson, Margaret Harelius (Illustrator), Margaret A. Hartelius (Illustrator)

A super cute book for kids to find 'ghosts' from each page. No. of ghost ranges from 1-15 then 20 and lastly 150!!! Fun for searching exercise. The description and hints at top of each page are humourous. New ghosty terms are used e.g. Booberries.... (= blueberries)

Can borrow from library.

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-22 08:16 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫




Eat your peas
It was dinner time again and Daisy just knew what her mum was going to say, even before she said it. "Eat your peas," said Mum. Daisy looked down at the little green balls that were ganging up on her plate. "I don't like peas," said Daisy.And so the battle of wills begins. What does Mum have to promise to get Daisy to eat her peas? An extra pudding, a chocolate factory or a space rocket with double retro laser blammers? But whatever Mum offers, it doesn't change the fact that Daisy just can't stomach those gross green peas. So Daisy comes up with an idea which will turn the tables and make someone else suffer.

Really, really
When Daisy gets left with a babysitter for the first time, she eats up her mum's note and tells Angela that she usually has ice-cream and chips for tea, never gets dirty, and always stays up watching videos till midnight."Really?" asks Angela."Really, really," fibs Daisy. But what will happen when Mum comes home?

daisy其實幾百厭,係really, really裡面呃個新姐姐;係eat your peas裡面,無論媽媽開價幾多,佢都唔肯食豆,最後自己開價,就係媽媽都要食佢自己唔鍾意食gei 0野。我老公話本書教壞細路,我都覺得就0甘比小朋友睇好似唔多好,但係比大人睇就好有趣----事實上,小朋友唔鐘意食某d 0野,大人自己都會唔鐘意食另一d 0野。 :-P


積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-22 10:37 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-22 11:06 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫




積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-22 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

熙媽媽, 唔好客气。

It is indeed easy to post image here.

1. Right click on the image you want to copy
2. Choose 内容
3. If the url shown in the 内容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url.
4. Copy the url
5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box
6. click 'ENTER'
Then the image will be shown in your message.

Thanks for sharing here too. Are the two books avail in public library ? Which ones have most of this series?
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 3910

發表於 05-4-22 13:36 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

GloriaChung > 我係library果web到search唔到呢本書,應該點search呢??

請問係amazon訂書,運費點計? 係咪per shipment + per item ???thanks !!!


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-4-22 13:38 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫


The transportation charge is too expensive for amazon.

You may order it through www.paddyfield.com, $27 only.

Or you may call IDxx la!


積分: 6599

發表於 05-4-22 15:31 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

FXPC: 听说将来会再印翻! hurray!!

FXPC 寫道:
The followings are the pictures from this Everyone Poops (My Body Science).

Really Funny!!!

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 3910

發表於 05-4-22 18:40 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

kittylock > thanks for your information, I will place the order at paddyfield.


積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-23 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫



daisy其實幾百厭,係really, really裡面呃個新姐姐;係eat your peas裡面,無論媽媽開價幾多,佢都唔肯食豆,最後自己開價,就係媽媽都要食佢自己唔鍾意食gei 0野。我老公話本書教壞細路,我都覺得就0甘比小朋友睇好似唔多好,但係比大人睇就好有趣----事實上,小朋友唔鐘意食某d 0野,大人自己都會唔鐘意食另一d 0野。 :-P


積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-23 16:22 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫







積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-23 16:43 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫




積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-23 16:51 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫




積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-23 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫






積分: 2326

發表於 05-4-23 17:05 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書收穫

<米爺爺學認字>(喬.艾倫.波嘉/文 , 羅拉.弗南第,瑞克.傑克森/圖)


對其他人來說,到了這個年紀,什麼都有了,識字與否並重要。但米爺爺卻堅持要認字,於是他決定與小朋友一起到學校去學認字。米爺爺認真的學習,當他學認字以後,他唸詩給米奶奶聽,詩中有玫瑰花瓣、海浪和愛情。逼得老奶奶說:「哦!我也想要學認字。」 圖書最後一頁是米爺爺與米奶奶手牽著小朋友一起上學去。



