



積分: 37310

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-2-8 17:41 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Shunshunma and puffer_fish,

呢幾日我好倦呀 ﹐預產期係今個禮拜(11/02/2007)﹐不過唔知小B會唔會過期居留﹐如果係既話真係好可能會情人節甚至于新年出世。不過都唔緊要啦﹐只係希望唔好晌半夜就好啦。

So far no sign of delivery except Braxton Hicks contractions and sharp pain around my cervix (happened twice in 3 days) and I think I am losing my mucus plug (a tiny bit came out last night)


積分: 165

發表於 07-2-8 17:49 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hi Elefant 老婆,

aiya! Be careful these few days. Gotta ask your hubby to standby and if possible, don't leave you alone ar. Wish u all the best!

Hi puffer-fish,

I live very close to Seleyang mall.



積分: 37310

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-2-8 18:51 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Thank you ShunShunMami!!!


積分: 165

發表於 07-3-15 10:47 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Jelly Fish,

How are you now? Given birth already or not???

Drop us some words if you can. Take care!


積分: 231

發表於 07-3-18 23:13 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hiya ShunShunMami ,

I am sorry for the late reply cos I am so tired everyday and seldom turn on computer except in office. I have to sleep a lots and really hardly move now. My due date is 28 Apr, my bb is now 34 weeks, time flies, one more month to go. Hehehe, as I told you earlier, I can't walk much, I will feel pain on my abdoment and have to sit down immediately. I seldom go to shopping and I amost finish bb shopping, just one or two things left that my hubby can get it for me later on.

It was so nice to see you last time, just give us ring when you back to KL.

Elfant 老婆,
Congratulations ah, I believed that you have delivered already, how is bb, I am so excited to see my one coming....


積分: 444

發表於 07-3-18 23:40 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Jelly_fish, how u now? no worry anything, then everything will be easy!

Just confirm Apr 9 ticket back KL, so I can see your bb come

好掛住 KL 張 king size bed


積分: 231

發表於 07-3-20 01:04 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


I am fine , thank you. Just very tired now, can't walk much, Dr. ask me don't go shopping anymore, if I walk too much, bb may come out earlier, I have to sit down after 15 mins when I go to shopping mall. I need a lots of rest, so I stop shopping and take a rest at home. Just one more month to go.. so excited.

Your little girl is so cute, I like the pic ... how are you in HK anyway?? Happy?? Hope you are fine, I understand you miss your husband. Have you plan to ship all the stuffs back to KL?? You bot too many things in HK la.... hahaha.....

msangelhk 寫道:
Jelly_fish, how u now? no worry anything, then everything will be easy!

Just confirm Apr 9 ticket back KL, so I can see your bb come

好掛住 KL 張 king size bed


積分: 231

發表於 07-3-20 01:05 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


I am fine , thank you. Just very tired now, can't walk much, Dr. ask me don't go shopping anymore, if I walk too much, bb may come out earlier, I have to sit down after 15 mins when I go to shopping mall. I need a lots of rest, so I stop shopping and take a rest at home. Just one more month to go.. so excited.

Your little girl is so cute, I like the pic ... how are you in HK anyway?? Happy?? Hope you are fine, I understand you miss your husband. Have you plan to ship all the stuffs back to KL?? You bot too many things in HK la.... hahaha.....

msangelhk 寫道:
Jelly_fish, how u now? no worry anything, then everything will be easy!

Just confirm Apr 9 ticket back KL, so I can see your bb come

好掛住 KL 張 king size bed


積分: 37310

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-3-22 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Jelly_fish, Thank you!

My baby is doing fine, growing longer and heavier each day! But I do miss the days when I was still pregnant (despite pain and exhaustion I could still go out and do things) Now my life is revolving around my little fellow.

The final month is always exciting... the little one can be here any minute Please make sure you take plenty of rest and don't over exert yourself. All my best to you on the D day!


積分: 165

發表於 07-3-22 15:36 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?

Hi Jelly fish,

wei, don't go here and there la....be good girl and rest more. I am waiting for your bb's pic.

Hope you can succeed in breastfeeding!!!

Hi Elefant 老婆,

your little one has a very tall nose.....very handsome wor.....Congrats!!!!


積分: 37310

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-3-25 15:00 |只看該作者

Re: 唔知會唔會有嫁去馬來西亞既香港人媽媽喺度呢?


I actually think my baby has a flat nose but thank you for the compliment anyway...


積分: 46

發表於 07-8-9 06:38 |只看該作者
我想問下,我見有媽媽會返hk生. 但係私家醫院full 左, 咁點算?? 公立都會full 了, 咁係咪feel 到要生時就去'急証室'話要生?
(我不是kl mama, but 都係外國住又錯過左預約時間,因為而家太多外地人去hk生,所以醫完一早就話full,又想返hk生, 唔知點好.....)


積分: 592

發表於 07-9-28 20:27 |只看該作者
大家好!!! 我係第一次上來呢個FORUM, 請多多指教。:-P :-P

我都同大家一樣,本身係香港人但o岩o岩嫁左去馬來西亞!!! 正在努力造人中, 希望快d有好消息啦!! 我住係PJ DAMANSARA架...過左來都2個月啦...一切仍在適應中, 有D緊張, 好掛住HK呀!!

係呢邊除老公之外, 都有DD朋友, 但都係老公D friend。睇到呢版真係好開心, 原來有咁多香港人都嫁左過來.....真係好想認識大家呢!!!! 可以受埋我玩嗎?? :lol:

nice to meet u!!


積分: 47

發表於 07-10-29 12:34 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 woodnwood 於 15-11-20 17:06 編輯



