




積分: 6051

發表於 07-9-20 14:35 |只看該作者
原文章由 kam2007kam 於 07-9-15 11:44 發表
你都好矛盾噃 , 如果我係你就會繼續做, 最多換過另一個印印, 我比較鍾意返工多過喺屋企, 因為除咗煮餸外, 我好怕做其他家務 ,而且你份工咁好PAY就更加唔捨得啦. ...

dear kam2007kam,

我覺得自己湊仔女會聽話, I also like as a full time mom but my husband reject.


積分: 428

發表於 07-9-21 02:40 |只看該作者
Hi rose-mag, I do remember you. I live in Daly City,. It is not so far. I work in City & County of SF. My office is on Mission St. I have two kids but they are a little bit older than yours. One is eight in November and the younger one is 6. How about you?

The living standard is quite high in SF. I can't be a full time mom. I was a full time mom for half year three years ago when I first moved to US. Do you like US? I like my job. It is less pressure than I was in HK. The weather and the air is better. But I still miss HK.

原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-9-20 05:14 發表

Hi Suecheung, remember me? We have met in another topic before. I have forgotten that are you living in SF Bay Area?

Hi all moms,
I'm also a 1969 mom, just have a son 18 months old an d a daughte ...


積分: 273

發表於 07-9-21 10:19 |只看該作者
你個女幾大 我個女依家3歲咋,我都想生,但係都係你個原因啦,驚力不從心:cry: 又想出來做番0野...哎:-(

原文章由 nonowong 於 07-9-19 22:26 發表

Dear Suecheung,
You are so lucky can arrive home at 5.30 , 你做政府工架 ?你生左兩件就好啦, 我而家不知幾後悔只生一個, 個小朋友都幾悶, 囡囡而家成口叫我生妹妹, 但老實我就算生得出都4張野 ...


積分: 157

發表於 07-9-21 12:46 |只看該作者
Hi everybody,
好耐都無上來吹水添, 9月份真係好忙, 除了小朋友開學之外, 我機構(NGO)每逢9-12月係最忙, 當然其他的日子真的頗得閒:lol: 妳地返緊工時可唔可以上網? 我office得我一個, 如果唔忙嘅時候, 真的可以全日上網.


積分: 6051

發表於 07-9-21 15:08 |只看該作者
原文章由 YoYox2 於 07-9-21 12:46 發表
Hi everybody,
好耐都無上來吹水添, 9月份真係好忙, 除了小朋友開學之外, 我機構(NGO)每逢9-12月係最忙, 當然其他的日子真的頗得閒:lol: 妳地返緊工時可唔可以上網? 我office得我一個, 如果唔忙嘅時候, 真的可以全 ...

Hi YoYox2,

我份工好free可以full day上internet. 我的正job是在office prepare worksheet for my daughter.:lol:


積分: 92697

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-9-21 18:04 |只看該作者

哗!乜你份工咁正架,仲請唔請人,我都去做囉!:D :D


積分: 4099

發表於 07-9-21 22:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿mee 於 07-9-21 10:19 發表
你個女幾大 我個女依家3歲咋,我都想生,但係都係你個原因啦,驚力不從心:cry: 又想出來做番0野...哎:-(

我個女8歲啦, 而家讀小三, 成日都話悶, 叫我生妹妹陪佢玩, 我68年既, 今年39都啦, 上次生呀女差d連命仔都比埋佢 (我誇張d, 不過都好危險, 成廿幾個鐘都生唔出, 最後要緊急開刀, 連我老公都驚我無命, 真係喊晒同醫生講叫佢有事要救大人先 , 好似粵語長片 ), 係呢, 你無做野湊囡囡,其實辛唔辛苦架 ? 我成日覺得自己不是偉大的媽媽架, 我個女讀小一先返來同我住, 之前係比姑奶揍大既, 我做左20年野未停過, 真係一份接住一份工, 所以我老公叫我唔好做野揍女, 我又有d驚唔習憤, 但係而家份工又幾受氣, 所以心大心細, 想唔做野回家做c9 !:lol:


積分: 171774

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-9-22 03:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 suecheung 於 07-9-21 02:40 發表
Hi rose-mag, I do remember you. I live in Daly City,. It is not so far. I work in City & County of SF. My office is on Mission St. I have two kids but they are a little bit older than yours. One is ei ...

Hi Suecheung, Daly City is quite a good place to live and convenient to travel to work in SF City. I have applied to some of the jobs in City & County of SF recently and attended some examinations. Now, I always receive invitation for applications of jobs in different department. But, since I'm now in maternity leave, I would start hunting for job after I return to work in early 2008. Living in SF is really hard because of high living standard. I and my hubby want to buy a house so that we can have more space for the 2 kids to play and we need 2 separate rooms for them when they grow older (1 boy and 1 girl cannot share the same room later). But, buying a house in SF is so expensive, at least 700k for a decent house in good neighborhood. So, we are still living in a 1 bedroom apartment and sourcing.

When I see the others at my age have older kids, I would think that it'd be nice if I married and had kids earlier. But, there's something that I cannot control. I've been in USA for over 3 years and sort of get used to the living style here. Working is less stressful in here as compared to HK and the air quality and the overall living environment are better in here. Well, I still miss HK - food, shopping, karaoke...


積分: 157

發表於 07-9-24 12:26 |只看該作者
間唔中都請人, 不過全部變晒contract, 一年一年咁簽, 人工及假期都比長工少, 但每日返工時間又長過我地, 所以通常d人都做唔長. 我個部門比人傳咗好耐話會摺埋, 不過都捱咗幾年, 所以我都唔知自己仲有幾耐做, 返一日得一日...

原文章由 acbeans 於 07-9-21 18:04 發表

哗!乜你份工咁正架,仲請唔請人,我都去做囉!:D :D


積分: 428

發表於 07-9-25 04:40 |只看該作者
Hi rose-mag,

I am lucky to live with my parents-in-law. It is too expensive to buy a house in SF right now. The salary in city job is not so high but I think we have more benefit such as retirement and medical insurance. I have been working in city for two years. I only 40 hours a week. I don't have much pressure from my job though I have to go out to do home visit.

Now you are busy of taking care the kids. But I am busy to help them finishing their homework, practising piano. We go to the Chinese School on Saturday and Sunday school (Bible study in Church) on Sunday. We don't have much leisure time. Anyway, it is good to keep the kids busy all the time. I am lucky the kids are nice and they are willing to do their Chinese homework.

It is nice to meet you here. We are the same age, in same situation. I have been in SF for four years. I am still new too.


原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-9-22 03:59 發表

Hi Suecheung, Daly City is quite a good place to live and convenient to travel to work in SF City. I have applied to some of the jobs in City & County of SF recently and attended some examinations. ...


積分: 171774

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-9-26 04:03 |只看該作者
Yes, I know that medical and retirement are good for a city job. Actually, the pay for certain classes are better than my current job. The raise was so little in the past 2 years even though my appraisal was good (but some other people in the same position got better raise just because that they are not Asian). Moreover, my company is under the pressure of cutting headcount. It's time for me to look for a better job, especially that we are planning to buy a house.

In a few years' time, I will be doing what you are doing to your kids now and I hope that my kids would like to learn Chinese too. My hubby did not like to learn Chinese when he's a kid and now he regrets about it. So, we would like them to be billingual or maybe trilangual then they have better advantage in the future. Now, I and my family talk to my kids in Cantonese and my husband talks to them in English. My son sort of understands both but of course, better in Chinese.


積分: 428

發表於 07-9-26 05:02 |只看該作者
Hi rose-mag,

My kids speak Cantonese at home and they speak English in the school. I also want them to be a bilingual. That's why I bring them to the chinese school and teach them to write Chinese. My son said he doesn't really understand what the teacher said in the school. He starts to school when he is 2 and half. Actually, when you use difficult word, no matter in Chinese or English, he doesn't understand. I hope he will be better later.

You are so great that you can adopt the new environment so easy. I spend lots of time to learn driving, to learn American English. I need to work with the American clients, sometimes, they don't understand me because of the accent. Most of time, I can't understand what they said, especially when they speak fast.

What is your due date for your little baby? I hope you have a healthy and lovely baby.


原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-9-26 04:03 發表
Yes, I know that medical and retirement are good for a city job. Actually, the pay for certain classes are better than my current job. The raise was so little in the past 2 years even tho ...


積分: 273

發表於 07-9-26 16:19 |只看該作者
Hi, 係呀,好悶.. 但係頭幾年對bb好重要,好想自己揍,睇住佢成長會好有滿足感,無論價值觀同親密度,都唔使比人教完自己又要同佢教返正,同佢的關係建立係無o野可以代替, 我都係開刀,唔係好敢再o黎,我就o黎38,其實都想多一個,上年唸到依家,都未唸掂?-( 都係放棄啦!但又怕好似你個女咁...:cry:

原文章由 nonowong 於 07-9-21 22:54 發表

我個女8歲啦, 而家讀小三, 成日都話悶, 叫我生妹妹陪佢玩, 我68年既, 今年39都啦, 上次生呀女差d連命仔都比埋佢 (我誇張d, 不過都好危險, 成廿幾個鐘都生唔出, 最後要緊急開刀, 連我老公都驚我無命, 真係喊 ...


積分: 4099

發表於 07-9-26 20:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿mee 於 07-9-26 16:19 發表
Hi, 係呀,好悶.. 但係頭幾年對bb好重要,好想自己揍,睇住佢成長會好有滿足感,無論價值觀同親密度,都唔使比人教完自己又要同佢教返正,同佢的關係建立係無o野可以代替, 我都係開刀,唔係好敢再o黎,我就o黎 ...

如果要生就快d啦 ! 我就唔生啦, 一來自己身體都唔係幾好, 我老公都幾堅決話唔生架啦, 我都同囡囡講左, 媽咪唔可以生比個妹妹同佢玩啦, 佢雖然有d失望, 但畢竟都8歲, 大個女, 都講道理既 !
二來我份工要出trip, 我本來做秘書, 就係唔想成日周圍走, 後來唔知點解做下做下就越做越多, 可能係公司做得耐, 加上公司又係做內銷生意, 好多時候都要同國內既同胞同事溝通, 有時講唔到就直情要去大陸教, 激死 !
你試下等囡囡大個d出番來做野啦, 而家市道唔錯, 不過你停左幾年, 可能要慢慢習慣番, 唔緊要, 我地仲後生, 大把時間 !


積分: 428

發表於 07-9-27 01:46 |只看該作者
Hi mee,

My daughter is also 8 years old. My daughter always says I am boring too though she has a brother . If you want to have another baby, I don't think you are too old to have a second one. My friend's second baby was born when she was 39. To me, I have two kids. I don't think to have the third one.

It is a good idea to talk to your daughter to let her what you think and what decision you have made. I think your daughter could understand. :D

原文章由 nonowong 於 07-9-26 20:59 發表

如果要生就快d啦 ! 我就唔生啦, 一來自己身體都唔係幾好, 我老公都幾堅決話唔生架啦, 我都同囡囡講左, 媽咪唔可以生比個妹妹同佢玩啦, 佢雖然有d失望, 但畢竟都8歲, 大個女, 都講道理既 !
二來我份工要出trip, 我 ...


積分: 273

發表於 07-9-27 10:35 |只看該作者
Hi Suecheung & nonowong,

都係差不多時候搵工啦,c9真係唔易做,有時仲辛苦過返工,屋企隻佬唔喜歡搵工人揍,如果唔係已經返工啦,(搵99揍,如果做全職mom返到屋企又要做餐死,ot埋重死! 又要陪女玩下,都唔夠時間,不如全職c9),你地又點分配d時間,會唔會好似忽略佢咁

原文章由 suecheung 於 07-9-27 01:46 發表
Hi mee,

My daughter is also 8 years old. My daughter always says I am boring too though she has a brother . If you want to have another baby, I don't think you are too old to have a second one. My fr ...


積分: 92697

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-9-27 11:19 |只看該作者



就繼續做,無得做唯有諗小朋友嘅童年只有向前,無take two,



積分: 4189

發表於 07-9-27 12:57 |只看該作者

I totally agree with you.


積分: 4099

發表於 07-9-27 22:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿mee 於 07-9-27 10:35 發表
Hi Suecheung & nonowong,

都係差不多時候搵工啦,c9真係唔易做,有時仲辛苦過返工,屋企隻佬唔喜歡搵工人揍,如果唔係已經返工啦,(搵99揍,如果做全職mom返到屋企又要做餐死,ot埋重死! 又要陪 ...

做在職媽媽真係好辛苦, 日頭返工, 如果放工又要做家務又要湊小朋友, 真係好辛苦, 香港地女人唔易做 !我就好好彩, 囡囡比姑奶從細湊大, 六歲讀小一先至同我住, 我而家請印印做家務, 自己就主力搵錢同教個女d功課, 完全唔駛做家務既話, 你先至有時間睇下個女d功課, 陪佢溫習下, 差唔多11點, 等佢sleep左我先至可以有自己時間, 我老公都唔鐘意有個外人係屋企, 不過無辨法,而家真係要靠個工人, 接接送送個小朋友同埋做家務 ! 每日既時間就比晒個女架啦, 而家佢大個左d, 課餘識打on line game, 自己偷少少時間, 一個人去屋企附近d商場行下law, 因為我老公假期要為人服務(佢做車長), 假期又係禁過架啦, 不過, 大家只要有健康既身體, enjoy你既生活, 就各式其式開開心心啦 !


積分: 4099

發表於 07-9-27 22:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 suecheung 於 07-9-27 01:46 發表
Hi mee,

My daughter is also 8 years old. My daughter always says I am boring too though she has a brother . If you want to have another baby, I don't think you are too old to have a second one. My fr ...

dear suecheung,
原來你係外國生活架, 等我仲諗下邊份政府禁好, 日日都準時收工tim 你老公係唔係中國人來架 ? 我好八卦唔好介意, 因為大家都有緣係呢處傾下計, 又係6幾年出世既, 哈哈, 好似突然間多左好多朋友仔tim


