



積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-31 18:45 |只看該作者
係呀! 我係個RN, night shift 嘅charge nurse..
info.. 咪我嘅經驗加reseach 囉
我住 new york staten island. 你呢?
if 你都住 New York, New Jeresy, 唔好 miss out August 12, 2007 嘅 gathering.
我次次講痤都唔同架喎.. depends on 啲 moms to be / 有初生BB 嘅媽咪有乜需要囉..

原文章由 QQBB2005 於 07-7-28 10:17 PM 發表
Hi everyone

Alot of new baby born this year!!! PIG BABY
Nilli_Mami, which state you live in? And what kind of 講座? Are you a nurse? I'm new member here, so not really know about this cha ...


積分: 597

發表於 07-8-29 00:44 |只看該作者

(1) 其實點樣先知道餵完? for example, 開頭初乳得咁少, bb好
快食哂, 咁佢會唔會自己stop sucking OR still keep sucking?

(2) 谷奶(engore) 時個乳房會漲痛, 咁餵完bb, 個乳房係咪會 no more 漲痛, 回復平時咁?

(3) 我見有啲媽咪話bb食完後再即刻pump the remaining breast milk 嚟 for storage, 咁我點知仲有奶剩可以pump? OR is it necessary to pump after feeding bb?

(4) if bb 只食一邊就唔再食, 咁另一邊係咪要 pump 清 OR 留番等下一餐bb 食?

(5) 未上奶前都要 keep 住每 2-3 hours 餵 bb? if bb 唔飽 & then cry, 就補 formula?

thank you !!!


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-29 06:56 |只看該作者

(1) 其實點樣先知道餵完? for example, 開頭初乳得咁少, bb好
快食哂, 咁佢會唔會自己stop sucking OR still keep sucking?
BB一般啜10多分鐘, then, 你會feel 到個乳房乾哂, then, switchto the other side or offer 2oz formula. 如果佢再食, that's mean 佢未飽, otherwise, BB會自然喊... or 乖嘅BB會唔喊, 但會唔瞓

(2) 谷奶(engore) 時個乳房會漲痛, 咁餵完bb, 個乳房係咪會 no more 漲痛, 回復平時咁?
係呀! 3-5日你會上奶( if you skin to skin your baby every 2 hours day and night for first 3-5 days), 餵完..個乳房會鬆軟返嘅.. certainly 要pump 清至會回復平時咁

(3) 我見有啲媽咪話bb食完後再即刻pump the remaining breast milk 嚟 for storage, 咁我點知仲有奶剩可以pump? OR is it necessary to pump after feeding bb?
如果你plan to BF long term.. 唔係只餵 3幾個月, 你要pump after feed 架, 我 只pump 餵完嗰邊.. 留一邊餵下一餐, pump 起嘅奶就立刻frozen. 我係skin to skin 完就pump, 係routine ^o^

(4) if bb 只食一邊就唔再食, 咁另一邊係咪要 pump 清 OR 留番等下一餐bb 食?
未食嗰邊我會留下一餐, 食過嗰邊就pump清( 因為for long termrun..plus 我係working mom, stay home mom, pump or not, 就depends on you, 有冇勵力同恆心)

(5) 未上奶前都要 keep 住每 2-3 hours 餵 bb? if bb 唔飽 & then cry, 就補 formula?
我會話係... BB補formula 係生理需要..
開頭1個月, 係almost 1個半至2個鐘 skin to skin 1次啊! remember to feed on demand


積分: 597

發表於 07-8-29 11:03 |只看該作者
(1) 其實點樣先知道餵完? for example, 開頭初乳得咁少, bb好
快食哂, 咁佢會唔會自己stop sucking OR still keep sucking?
BB一般啜10多分鐘, then, 你會feel 到個乳房乾哂, then, switchto the other side or offer 2oz formula. 如果佢再食, that's mean 佢未飽, otherwise, BB會自然喊... or 乖嘅BB會唔喊, 但會唔瞓
如未上奶, 係咪兩邊 breasts 都要俾bb啜 for stimulation, 定
係啜一邊都夠 stimulation?

(2) 谷奶(engore) 時個乳房會漲痛, 咁餵完bb, 個乳房係咪會 no more 漲痛, 回復平時咁?
係呀! 3-5日你會上奶( if you skin to skin your baby every 2 hours day and night for first 3-5 days), 餵完..個乳房會鬆軟返嘅.. certainly 要pump 清至會回復平時咁
pump 清 = pump 到冇奶出?? ar, 乜嘢係 let down??

(3) 我見有啲媽咪話bb食完後再即刻pump the remaining breast milk 嚟 for storage, 咁我點知仲有奶剩可以pump? OR is it necessary to pump after feeding bb?
如果你plan to BF long term.. 唔係只餵 3幾個月, 你要pump after feed 架, 我 只pump 餵完嗰邊.. 留一邊餵下一餐, pump 起嘅奶就立刻frozen. 我係skin to skin 完就pump, 係routine ^o^ if 只pump 餵完嗰邊, 留另一邊餵下一餐, 咁冇餵嗰邊會唔會谷奶唔舒服?? 其實上咗奶後仲會唔會好似未上奶時咁谷奶架??

(4) 未上奶前都要 keep 住每 2-3 hours 餵 bb? if bb 唔飽 & then cry, 就補 formula?
我會話係... BB補formula 係生理需要..
開頭1個月, 係almost 1個半至2個鐘 skin to skin 1次啊! remember to feed on demand
if feed on demand, so even bb cries every 2-3 hours for milk 都 OK??


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-29 23:36 |只看該作者
1. 如未上奶, 係咪兩邊 breasts 都要俾bb啜 for stimulation, 定
係啜一邊都夠 stimulation?

你俾1邊, then 補formula 好喇, 你挨唔到餵2邊架, nipples 好痛架.. 你要塗 nipple ointment after feed 啊! remember, 15min is maximum, 咪BB會有 misconcept. 你唔會想BB啜一餐啜成個鐘, 你就乜都唔駛做喇, 咁你以後點返工?

2. pump 清 = pump 到冇奶出?? ar, 乜嘢係 let down??
pump 清 means 你feel 到乾咗/啲奶好小, or even 冇奶出
let down 係上奶.. 當你pump奶 or skin to skin, 個腦會收到message 會做奶, so, by the time BB suck your nipples, 奶會立即製造, so BB 會啜到奶, that is let down, (唔係 engorement)

3. if 只pump 餵完嗰邊, 留另一邊餵下一餐, 咁冇餵嗰邊會唔會谷奶唔舒服?? 其實上咗奶後仲會唔會好似未上奶時咁谷奶架??
未上奶係唔會谷架, 巳feel到谷, that's mean 巳上奶
冇pump嗰邊係會谷架, 一定會有唔舒服, certainly 太谷當然 pump 清

4.if feed on demand, so even bb cries every 2-3 hours for milk 都 OK??
初生BB好小挨3個鐘至喊, if 佢唔醒, 你要整醒佢, otherwise,好易 dehydration.

餵人奶冇方程式, 你要自己每一餐adjust, 每一餐試.. 只有你至知BB要乜.. 記住, 冇媽咪會冇人奶, 乳牛媽媽只會有多奶同少奶嘅分別
幾瘦同細粒嘅媽咪都可以好好奶, 肥師大隻+大胸又唔代表啲乜
事實上係... 你付出幾多, 收獲係成正比.. 我到而家都未試過一覺瞓多過4個鐘.. 因為我知道, 我生得佢出就要犧牲自己.. 小朋友冇話過要嚟呢個世界... 所以我要 餵好呢餐奶, 我要做好我份工..

if 你plan to return to work, 要stock up milk as soon as possible, plus, 你冇得保証自己唔會病, 一病milk flow 就大降..
我last time 有parasiniusitis, on steriod+antibiotics, 好在我stock up咗600 包奶, otherwise, 我要去donation bank 渡攞人哋媽咪嘅BF 俾Gabriel 食架喇!
If 你plan 住只on BF, 要有好大勇氣, 勵力同恆心, plus 唔好俾籍口自己, 要BF係要破釜沉舟至會成功


積分: 171774

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-8-30 07:23 |只看該作者
I have questions -
1. 如上奶, 係咪兩邊 breasts 都俾bb15 mins then, another 15mins. (total 1 hour)? Sometimes, Amanda requests for having 3 times for each breast and sometimes 1 time each then fall sleep.

2. nipples 好痛 (because my nipples are small and flat, Amanda always cannot suck on the right spot) can nipple ointment after feeding help? Do I need to wipe the ointment away before next feeding? Now, my nipples are so swallen sometimes, I feel them hot but I don't have fever. Would it a symptom of infection?

My hubby told me to stop bf at night time so that to get more sleep but I might need to pump anyway if bottle feed her at night plus I need to pump more often to stock up the milk (I only have maybe 12-15 oz in stock now). Now, it usually takes Amanda 1-1.5 hour for each feeding and I can only sleep for no more than 2 hours until next feeding. It's sometimes very exhausted and depressed but I really want to give more breast milk to Amanda. Being a mom is really not easy and being a milk-cow mom is even more difficult.


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-30 13:55 |只看該作者
1. 如上奶, 係咪兩邊 breasts 都俾bb15 mins then, another 15mins. (total 1 hour)? Sometimes, Amanda requests for having 3 times for each breast and sometimes 1 time each then fall sleep.
for this case, I will just skin to skin Amanda 1 side of the breast, then back up with formula. to limit the time on the breast as your nipple gets sore.

2. nipples 好痛 (because my nipples are small and flat, Amanda always cannot suck on the right spot) can nipple ointment after feeding help? Do I need to wipe the ointment away before next feeding? Now, my nipples are so swallen sometimes, I feel them hot but I don't have fever. Would it a symptom of infection?

you may need the breast shield for better bf position. or apply the Lansonih ointment after each skin to skin. Do not need to wipe of the ointment before skin to skin, because it is baby prove!
infection sign-- red, swell, heat, pain, lost function

My hubby told me to stop bf at night time so that to get more sleep but I might need to pump anyway if bottle feed her at night plus I need to pump more often to stock up the milk (I only have maybe 12-15 oz in stock now). Now, it usually takes Amanda 1-1.5 hour for each feeding and I can only sleep for no more than 2 hours until next feeding. It's sometimes very exhausted and depressed but I really want to give more breast milk to Amanda. Being a mom is really not easy and being a milk-cow mom is even more difficult.
better pump milk and feed by bottle at night, from now on. so you can gain more sleep. plus stock up the bf for later use. you will not able to make sure you won't get sick one day


積分: 597

發表於 07-8-31 08:08 |只看該作者
thank you very much ... i should now wait till bb is born and seek your advice again ... i also want to 餵好呢餐奶, 我要做好我份工 ... since i am not planning to get back to work for a while, i am more determined to BF my bb and keep telling myself that i can do it ... good that i have yours and other moms' support ... i will add oil

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-29 23:36 發表
1. 如未上奶, 係咪兩邊 breasts 都要俾bb啜 for stimulation, 定
係啜一邊都夠 stimulation?
你俾1邊, then 補formula 好喇, 你挨唔到餵2邊架, nipples 好痛架.. 你要塗 nipple ointment after feed 啊! remember, 1 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-31 13:55 |只看該作者
remember the first feed is right after you give birth, when you still inside the labouring unit.
then, count every 2 hours, ask the nurse to give you back your son, so you can skin to skin him plus top up with formula.
If you son takes formula very well.. he will sleep longer.. and make just need a feed every 3 hours.. some babies by the first month, skin to skin +top up with formula, will feed least than 8 feeds, that is not a good sign. New born needs to be fed at least 8 feeds a day.
call me if you need help .. ok?
原文章由 jstn 於 07-8-30 07:08 PM 發表
thank you very much ... i should now wait till bb is born and seek your advice again ... i also want to 餵好呢餐奶, 我要做好我份工 ... since i am not planning to get back to work for a while, ...


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-2 11:30 |只看該作者
Understood ... thank you Nillie!!!

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-31 13:55 發表
remember the first feed is right after you give birth, when you still inside the labouring unit.
then, count every 2 hours, ask the nurse to give you back your son, so you can skin to skin him p ...


積分: 2122

發表於 07-9-5 17:33 |只看該作者

以前問過你有關儲冰奶的問題. 但我想知點樣將冰奶解凍後比BB飲呀?

以你經驗, 大慨要用幾多時間去座熱支奶呀?


積分: 7794

發表於 07-9-7 02:20 |只看該作者
將要defrose 嘅 frozen BF 放入雪櫃 12小時就會解凍, then, 倒入bottle, 用暖水坐暖.. Avent warmer 就about 6min (開3度) 如一般熱水, depends on 你熱幾多oz 奶... 話唔到你知喎.. Gabriel 食7oz, 用Avent 9oz bottle, 就坐4分鐘..
你要自己 test drive 至知.. 個個brand 嘅bottle 受熱都唔同

原文章由 3cats 於 07-9-5 04:33 AM 發表
以前問過你有關儲冰奶的問題. 但我想知點樣將冰奶解凍後比BB飲呀?
以你經驗, 大慨要用幾多時間去座熱支奶呀? ...


積分: 283

發表於 07-12-13 10:40 |只看該作者
Dear Nillie, I have some questions too
(1) How long should I bf my son? My husband said 6 months....I am not sure.
(2) I heard that the mom will loose weight faster if BF the baby, I still have extra 15 lbs (97 lb before pregnant, 148 lbbefore baby due, and 112 lb now (Isaac was born in 21st Aug.)
(3) The nurse told me that I will loose more weight after I stop bf my son, is it true?

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-9-7 02:20 發表
將要defrose 嘅 frozen BF 放入雪櫃 12小時就會解凍, then, 倒入bottle, 用暖水坐暖.. Avent warmer 就about 6min (開3度) 如一般熱水, depends on 你熱幾多oz 奶... 話唔到你知喎.. Gabriel 食7oz, 用Avent ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-12-14 10:37 |只看該作者
1. whenever he wants, infant will wean bf by themselve
but I will suggest more than 9 months. that is the baseline to decrease the risk for you to suffer from breast cancer
2. some moms do lose weight (depend on their diet, if they complete bf but they only take 2000kcal a day-- like on diet) certainly they will lose weight. but you want to see that happen?? how about your son's health?
Before my preg, I was 124, due day 154, 3 months after I was 138, 6 months after, I was 130, and now 11.5 months after, I am 124 back to my weight.
3. Yes, because you don't need to eat like a horse everyday..
Example :me.. I take prenatal supplement everyday, a big bowl of icecream.. 2 big glasses of juice, cookies and biscuits as snacks, soups and at least 12 glasses of water.. 4 meals a day..
once my son wean bf.. I will not eat like that.. then .. definately .. I will lose more weight.

原文章由 Isaac.cheng 於 07-12-12 09:40 PM 發表
(1) How long should I bf my son? My husband said 6 months....I am not sure.
(2) I heard that the mom will loose weight faster if BF the baby, I still have extra 15 lbs (97 lb before pregnant, 148 lbbefore baby due, and 112 lb now (Isaac was born in 21st Aug.)
(3) The nurse told me that I will loose more weight after I stop bf my son, is it true?


積分: 283

發表於 07-12-14 11:40 |只看該作者
Dear Nillie Mami, thanks for your info. Actually I am thinking I will stop bf Isaac 2 months after we move to San Fran. in which Isaac is around 10 months old. So that he will feel more safe with the uncertainty or fear from the relocation. Once he is settled, I will stop BF him.
I don't really eat like a horse now....that's why I don't know why I didn't loose much weight.....anyway...I know I will get back to my old shape later cuz I will be taking care of Isaac by myself after we move to San Fran. ----- no more maid lar :-(
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-12-14 10:37 發表
1. whenever he wants, infant will wean bf by themselve
but I will suggest more than 9 months. that is the baseline to decrease the risk for you to suffer from breast cancer
2. some moms do ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-12-16 00:39 |只看該作者
I did not really lose too much weight, eventhough I take care of Gabriel and Amanda.. haha..
I bet I will not lose too much weight anyway, because I eat too much everyday... and my lovely treats... a big bowl of ice cream..
When you plan to stop bf.. then you come and ask.. ok... go to Breast feeding mom forum.. we will work on it together.
原文章由 Isaac.cheng 於 07-12-13 10:40 PM 發表
Dear Nillie Mami, thanks for your info. Actually I am thinking I will stop bf Isaac 2 months after we move to San Fran. in which Isaac is around 10 months old. So that he will feel more safe with th ...


積分: 171774

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-12-16 01:21 |只看該作者
係呀,凑BB唔一定瘦。我個妹坐完月返工冇耐就瘦番晒,點知當BB10個月大佢唔做工喺屋企做全職媽咪就即刻變肥師奶,仲一肥肥咗幾年先做番覩太,佢話可能係成日陪BB坐度玩。我未來美國前105磅,fit到漏,老公話就係因為咁先死追我( 佢真係咩都夠膽講),點知嚟到後肥咁10磅,上一胎BB出世前136磅,生完即刻減咗10磅,跟住一直冇瘦過,到呢一胎生之前137磅,生咗後又係冇咗10磅,可能今次全人奶,依家囡囡差不多四個月,我已經係115磅,坐月果陣我仲一日5-6餐,1/2碗飯,勁多菜、肉、魚、湯,我阿媽話因為我今次冇得瞓,所以瘦得咁快。我諗因為之前有大肚婆糖尿,醫生叫最好以後都注意飲食,所以我都係多菜少糖為主,我又少食junk food,又唔多鍾意食甜,希望快D有番以前咁fit 嘅figure,着番晒以前D衫,等我個C6驚吓都好

[ 本文章最後由 rose-mag 於 07-12-16 05:28 編輯 ]


積分: 283

發表於 07-12-16 13:29 |只看該作者
Dear Nillie_Mami, sure, I will definitely ask for your help when it's time to stop BF Isaac....

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-12-16 00:39 發表
I did not really lose too much weight, eventhough I take care of Gabriel and Amanda.. haha..
I bet I will not lose too much weight anyway, because I eat too much everyday... and my lovely ...


積分: 283

發表於 08-1-3 15:21 |只看該作者
Nillie_Mami, thank you for sharing. 你真係好, 用咁多時背間教和幫我們這些新手媽咪. 我最初甚麽也不懂的時候, 要自己看書和不斷請教一些BF mami, very struggling. 好彩已bf了Isaac 4 個月啦, 初初真的不知應怎做, 只是keep住一個信念 : 人奶是對Isaac 最好的, 我生得佢出, 一定要保護和比最好的佢. 你的advice and knowledge 對新手媽媽真的很有用, Thank you for sharing, you are such a nice and good person. Please PM me your cell phone no. so that I can call you up sometimes. My mother in law lives in New Jersey. So I definitely will visit you sometimes.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-29 23:36 發表
1. 如未上奶, 係咪兩邊 breasts 都要俾bb啜 for stimulation, 定
係啜一邊都夠 stimulation?
你俾1邊, then 補formula 好喇, 你挨唔到餵2邊架, nipples 好痛架.. 你要塗 nipple ointment after feed 啊! remember, 1 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-1-4 23:48 |只看該作者
我pm咗你喇... 你嚟NJ時記得嚟揾我哋呀...我哋同你哋洗塵..
原文章由 Isaac.cheng 於 08-1-3 02:21 AM 發表 Nillie_Mami, thank you for sharing. 你真係好, 用咁多時背間教和幫我們這些新手媽咪. 我最初甚麽也不懂的時候, 要自己看書和不斷請教一些BF mami, very struggling. 好彩已bf了Isaac 4 個月啦, 初初真的不知應怎 ...


