




積分: 157

發表於 07-10-8 16:26 |只看該作者
我老公都係成日搵d藉口"痴"住兩個女, 但佢兩個又唔係好跟daddy, 鍾意跟我多d, 所以我老公有時都會呷醋架!

原文章由 阿mee 於 07-10-6 17:25 發表
係呀,尤其是爸爸, 我老公依家放工回家第一件事係要抱下阿女先,:loveliness:


積分: 4099

發表於 07-10-9 21:32 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 阿mee 於 07-10-6 17:25 發表
好煩呀 ! 救命 ! 星期一剛剛炒左個衰印, 本來諗住做忍者, 者到佢08年1月中約滿唔再續, 點知隻死野係我地食d野加料, 竟然可以用d dirty 水浸住d生果放在雪櫃, 仲有, 囡囡用來末咀個毛巾盒又無洗, 比我星期一發現佢上星期五lunch食完d粟米粒仲響處呀 !
谷鬼氣即刻炒左佢, 總共比左10600大元, 而家仲要無人接女放學, agent又淨番d籮底橙, 因為印尼新年而家無貨(工人)住. 我又唔想再求其請, 我真係黑架, 上次個死印又偷野,又炒賠錢送佢走 今次個死印又加野, 又係賠錢送佢走, 救命 ! :-( :-(


積分: 92611

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-10 16:52 |只看該作者



積分: 428

發表於 07-10-10 23:38 |只看該作者
It is true. My sister also had a really bad experience with the maid. Finally, my mom retired earlier to help her. I was lucky to hire a good one. Maybe she knew she was 41 years old at that time. It was difficult to find an employer.

Now my mother-in-law helps me to take care the kids and prepares dinner for us. She is a hard working mom. Last year, I still needed to get up early to make lunch box for the kids. This year, my mother-in-law said the kids didn't like my lunch box. They liked what she made. OK. Let her do it. She is happy to do it because my son said he loves gradma for cooking food to him.


Mary Ping, the boss of "The Ark" (in Vincente) will help the church to open another new pre-school next month on Noriega St, the cross road is 34th Ave. I know the waiting list which is long now. I think it is a good pre-school. My friend will enroll her daughter who is 19months) this week. If you are interested, go and see.



原文章由 acbeans 於 07-10-10 16:52 發表



積分: 92611

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-12 18:28 |只看該作者




積分: 4099

發表於 07-10-12 22:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 acbeans 於 07-10-12 18:28 發表




炒左工人之後我都好忙, 雖然晚晚都有上bk, 不過無時間覆, 因為我打中文好慢
呢個星期雖然係忙, 不過無左件衰工人係屋企, 空氣都清新d, 我講真架, 我都算好彩, 我媽咪個印傭肯日日過來幫我接囡囡放學, 順便同我預備好dinner, 等我放工佢就走, 星期五就由姑奶接放學, 跟住帶埋囡囡去佢屋企, 我星期六先至去接番, 總算可以暫時ok, 不過長遠計真係要請番個工人, 呢次我會請個菲傭, 因為印傭實在太dirty啦 ! 講開又講, 唔知有無人有好agent介紹呢 ? 有就pm我幫幫忙啦 !
我份工又好忙, 我就叫做做個 "主任"仔, 今日去左做 "點倉派", 自己一手一腳執貨同倉, 累到想死, 好彩今晚個女唔係屋企, 可以偷下懶上來吹水, 有時好想唔做, 不過自己又衰鍾意買野, 唔想下下伸手問老公, 老公又唔係搵好多, 只係做個車長, 工作時間又長d壓力又大, 雖然佢成日都叫我唔好做, 唉....但係我唔做佢要負責成頭家咪仲大壓力 !


積分: 157

發表於 07-10-15 12:28 |只看該作者
大家繼續努力! 我個新工人12月中會來, 佢係而家用咗四年印印既家姐, 我地都算好彩, 請到個不錯的印印, 希望佢家姐都一樣咁聽教聽話就安樂啦. 我都係唔想淨係靠晒老公一份人工, 而且我份工都算係好工, 以我的年紀及學歷計, 好難好難搵過第二份更好的, 所以我會最少做到50歲至算, 起碼而家買野都好開心, 不用問老公攞錢....

原文章由 nonowong 於 07-10-12 22:50 發表

炒左工人之後我都好忙, 雖然晚晚都有上bk, 不過無時間覆, 因為我打中文好慢
呢個星期雖然係忙, 不過無左件衰工人係屋企, 空氣都清新d, 我講真架, 我都算好彩, 我媽咪個印傭肯日日過來幫我接囡囡放學, 順便同我 ...


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-16 23:59 |只看該作者
It is my dream to be a house wife to take care the kids. Meanwhile. my company doesn't allow me to do part-time. In fact, it is impossible for me to give up my job because the living standard is quite high in San Francisco. I know my kids are very happy when they see me after school. They hope their parents to pick them up after school and do homework with them.

Hope you hire a good maid and she won't bring any headache to you.

原文章由 YoYox2 於 07-10-15 12:28 發表
大家繼續努力! 我個新工人12月中會來, 佢係而家用咗四年印印既家姐, 我地都算好彩, 請到個不錯的印印, 希望佢家姐都一樣咁聽教聽話就安樂啦. 我都係唔想淨係靠晒老公一份人工, 而且我份工都算係好工, 以我的年紀及學 ...


積分: 157

發表於 07-10-17 14:33 |只看該作者
Hi suecheung,
妳兩個小朋友喺US讀書係咪輕鬆d? 我個大女剛升小二, 但d英文好多都唔明, 最近已搵了補習班給她, 希望她可以快d追返d課程.有時我都會諗如果我可以做全職媽媽, 她的成績會否好d?

原文章由 suecheung 於 07-10-16 23:59 發表
It is my dream to be a house wife to take care the kids. Meanwhile. my company doesn't allow me to do part-time. In fact, it is impossible for me to give up my job because the living standard is quite ...


積分: 273

發表於 07-10-17 15:42 |只看該作者
Hi YoYox2

如果你個女肯聽你較就係,唔係你仲激氣 ,陪了夫人又折兵 ,到時兩母女的關係又唔好,無謂!哎...
因為我阿女(k1)做工課已經唔聽我講啦,(只係畫下線咋),咩都話老師話,又唔係識字睇指示做,要花好多唇舌解釋,我已經無氣啦 我不知幾想返工...

原文章由 YoYox2 於 07-10-17 14:33 發表
Hi suecheung,
妳兩個小朋友喺US讀書係咪輕鬆d? 我個大女剛升小二, 但d英文好多都唔明, 最近已搵了補習班給她, 希望她可以快d追返d課程.有時我都會諗如果我可以做全職媽媽, 她的成績會否好d?



積分: 92611

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-17 18:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿mee 於 07-10-17 15:42 發表
Hi YoYox2

如果你個女肯聽你較就係,唔係你仲激氣 ,陪了夫人又折兵 ,到時兩母女的關係又唔好,無謂!哎...
因為我阿女(k1)做工課已經唔聽我講啦,(只係畫下線咋),咩都話老師話,又唔係識字睇指示做 ...



積分: 157

發表於 07-10-18 16:48 |只看該作者
我大女OK聽話(但超級無記性), 不過始終比人教吓佢都好, 因我EQ底, 經常教教吓忍唔住就會鬧到佢喊, 大家傷感情...


積分: 21965

發表於 07-10-18 17:19 |只看該作者
1969, 1969萬歲....我個女K3...


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-19 07:15 |只看該作者
My daughter is in 3rd Grade and my son is the first grader. They don't have much homework as Hong Kong students do. They don't spend much of time to do homework every day. They still have headache to do the book reports. My daughter has four and my son has reading log. My husband helps them to do their writing log.

We have other problem of learning Chinese and English too. It is easy for them to learn English speaking. But my kids still have difficulties to write English. Chinese is a really hard subject for them too (They go to Chinese school every Saturday). They only think Mathe is an easy subject. They both like doing Mathe. In fact, Mathe is easier than Hong Kong. My daughter didn't do Multiplication when she was 2nd grader. We do it with her at home. I am planning to send them to do Kumon in order to improve Mathe and English reading.

Actually, the life in US is slower. And my job is fine that I can go back home aroung 5:30pm. After dinner, we do homework, reading and practising piano. Then, I do lots of housework after they go to bed. That's why I always feel tired in the morning. If I am a full time mom, I have plenty of time to finish all the housework before the kids come home after school.

原文章由 YoYox2 於 07-10-17 14:33 發表
Hi suecheung,
妳兩個小朋友喺US讀書係咪輕鬆d? 我個大女剛升小二, 但d英文好多都唔明, 最近已搵了補習班給她, 希望她可以快d追返d課程.有時我都會諗如果我可以做全職媽媽, 她的成績會否好d?



積分: 79

發表於 07-10-20 01:12 |只看該作者
參埋我la, 我都係69

見到你地都o的子女路已開始哂或行到中間, 我個仔才4個月, 真係漫漫長路.

sue n rose-mag, 加油la.... 我係sf住了5年, 久不久都有回去, 都明你地在他鄉的感受.  rose-mag, sf屋咁貴, 搬去south o的 la.. 好似亞sue的Daly City, or San Bruno, Westbrough 都ok, 覺得你為了家庭放棄hk o的野, 真偉大


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-20 04:51 |只看該作者
Hi, I still miss HK. I always go back HK to visit my family.

It is true that the living standard in Daly City is lower than in San Francisco. The public transportation is not better than SF. But we have lots of parking space.

It is a good place to share our feeling and experience. Nice to meet you.


原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-20 01:12 發表
參埋我la, 我都係69

見到你地都o的子女路已開始哂或行到中間, 我個仔才4個月, 真係漫漫長路.

sue n rose-mag, 加油la.... 我係sf住了5年, 久不久都有回去, 都明你地在他鄉的感受.  rose-mag, sf屋咁貴, 搬去so ...


積分: 92611

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-20 18:58 |只看該作者






積分: 171752

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-10-22 09:43 |只看該作者
原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-20 01:12 發表
參埋我la, 我都係69

見到你地都o的子女路已開始哂或行到中間, 我個仔才4個月, 真係漫漫長路.

sue n rose-mag, 加油la.... 我係sf住了5年, 久不久都有回去, 都明你地在他鄉的感受.  rose-mag, sf屋咁貴, 搬去so ...

I don't feel that I'm great but I really miss HK since my sister's family, my brother and my best friends are there. Also, I earned good money and have good living standard in HK. However, if I did not come to SF, I could not meet my hubby and formed a family. Now, I have 2 kids too. My younger one is just 9 weeks old hence, we are almost in the same boat, still have a long way to go until they grown up. I don't mind to move to southern part but my hubby does not like to move out from SF. Our parents are living in SF and it's easier for us to visit them. My father even is so stubborn that he will never move out from SF Chinatown. Eventually, we are looking for house and possibly we can only afford to buy one in Daly City or a smaller one in SF (not really want a small one since we have 1 boy and 1 girl. They need separate room when they grow up). Nice to meet you here and do come often to chat.


積分: 533

發表於 07-10-22 10:09 |只看該作者
Mamas of 1969,
Hihi, glad to see this thread accidentailly.
Whammm, you all have the children of kindergarden age! I have a daughter of 10 months old. Seems that I am rather late!!
I am also worried about my daughter will not listen to me when she starts to talk. She shows her character right now, a rather tough girl. She is not afraid of pin shots. She will not not when falling to ground. When she dislikes our arrangement to her, she will "shout" a lot!! But in a whole, I am happy to have this daughter!!
Anyone mamas plan to give birth in the coming year?


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-22 23:17 |只看該作者
Hi MonMonBB,

It is happy to hear that you have a baby girl. Though my kids are older, they are eight and six, I still miss the days when they were still little baby. In fact, I feel more easy to take care of them now. I am only busy of taking care their homework and spending time to play with them.

Take care.

原文章由 MonMonBB 於 07-10-22 10:09 發表
Mamas of 1969,
Hihi, glad to see this thread accidentailly.
Whammm, you all have the children of kindergarden age! I have a daughter of 10 months old. Seems that I am rather late!!
I am ...


