



積分: 7609

發表於 14-7-1 07:38 |只看該作者
請問, 有冇人知道本地學生怎樣申請政府果隻大學學費貸款?上麼網站?步驟如何?


積分: 7703

發表於 14-7-1 09:50 |只看該作者
hk_woman68 發表於 14-7-1 09:38
請問, 有冇人知道本地學生怎樣申請政府果隻大學學費貸款?上麼網站?步驟如何? ...
Commonwealth-supported places
All domestic students (Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of Australia) are Commonwealth-supported students. This means the federal government pays a large portion of your fees and you pay the remainder, called a 'student contribution'. To be eligible for a Commonwealth-supported place, you need to:
  • be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or
  • hold an Australian permanent resident visa or
  • hold an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.
For detailed information and eligibility criteria for Commonwealth supported places, please visit the Study Assist website.

Your student contribution is calculated twice a year, at the beginning of each semester. The fees and the amount you contribute will depend on the subjects you choose, as course costs vary.

For example, in 2014 the student contribution for a Bachelor of Science degree is $8613, compared to a Bachelor of Commerce costing $10,085.

The table below outlines the student contribution amounts for Commonwealth-supported students who enrol at the University of Sydney. Note that for some degrees – for example science, arts and economics – the range of subjects can cross a number of bands. Your exact contribution amount therefore depends on the specific subjects you choose.
BandArea of study2014 Contribution
1Humanities, Behavioural Sciences, Social Studies, Education (see note) Clinical Psychology (see note), Foreign Languages, Visual and Performing Arts, Nursing (see notes)$6044
2Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Built Environment, Other Health, Science, Engineering, Surveying, Agriculture$8613
3Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Science$10085


An EFTSL (Equivalent Full Time Student Load) is a measure of the study load a student undertakes. One EFTSL is equivalent to 48 credit points at the University of Sydney and represents a standard annual full-time load. All student contribution rates presented above are for 1 EFTSL.

Education and Nursing units of study:
  • Those students who commenced their Commonwealth supported course prior to 1 January 2010 will be charged the maximum annual student contribution amount of $4,696 for Education and Nursing units of study.
  • Further more, the various notices and financial statements produced by the University, subsequent to 1 January 2010, will classify the units of study in these disciplines as Band 7 units.

Clinical psychology units of study:
In 2014, most clinical psychology units will fall under CSP Student Contribution Band 3, except PSYC6032 which will fall under Band 2.

Mathematics, Statistical and Science units of study:
The various notices and financial statements produced by the University, subsequent to 1 January 2010, will classify the units of study in these disciplines as Band 6 units.

Accounting, Administration, Commerce and Economic units of study:
The various notices and financial statements produced by the University, subsequent to 1 January 2010, will classify the units of study in these disciplines as Band 5 units.

HECS-HELPMost Commonwealth-supported students are eligible for HECS-HELP assistance, the federal government's Higher Education Loan Program. If you hold a permanent resident visa (other than a permanent humanitarian visa) or you are a New Zealand citizen (and not also an Australian citizen), then you will still be a Commonwealth-supported student but won't be eligible for HECS-HELP and will need to pay your full semester student contribution upfront without a discount.

If you are an Australian citizen or hold a permanent humanitarian visa, you are eligible for HECS-HELP. This means you can choose to either pay your student contribution upfront with a 10 percent discount (‘HECS-HELP discount’), or defer all or part of your contribution through the Australian Taxation Office (‘HECS-HELP loan’).

If you take out a HECS-HELP loan, the loan amount will be reported to the Australian Tax Office and you repay the money you owe through the tax system once you start to work and your income reaches a certain threshold ($51,309 per annum in 2013-14).

You can find more information on Commonwealth-supported places and HECS-HELP on the Study Assist website.


積分: 7609

發表於 14-7-1 10:06 |只看該作者

引用:Quote:hk_woman68 發表於 14-7-1 09:38 請

原帖由 JamesFoo 於 14-07-01 發表
Commonwealth-supported places
All domestic students (Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent ...
多謝JamesFoo,好清楚,我會再上個網站再 look look



積分: 16372

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 2018父親節勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 瞓得好勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 14-7-1 15:58 |只看該作者
唔使煩架, 到時入學填表時, 份表會有一格 tick 貸款,
你 tick 咗去, 自然就係貸款啦!


積分: 7609

發表於 14-7-1 18:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 hk_woman68 於 14-7-1 19:04 編輯
wiiabcd 發表於 14-7-1 15:58
唔使煩架, 到時入學填表時, 份表會有一格 tick 貸款,
你 tick 咗去, 自然就係貸款啦! ...

係? 真架?有人試過?係咪所有科目學費全數都可以貸款? 政府有冇限每年批出學生貸款的人數

Budget 2014/2015 -- click here

唉,都吾知出年會係點?我之前問過公司做野 D 大學生學費(個個有錢仔/女,吾使貸款), 同阿女收到學校派份各大學出年學費清單比,出年貴左double



積分: 25364

發表於 14-7-1 21:50 |只看該作者

引用:Quote:wiiabcd 發表於 14-7-1 15:58 唔使煩

原帖由 hk_woman68 於 14-07-01 發表
本帖最後由 hk_woman68 於 14-7-1 19:04 編輯
哇,讀u 拿?time flies. 你女讀边間u呀?

Birth 15/3: W:4.2kg  L:52cm HC:37.5cm
Day 09: W:4.37kg  L:55.5cm HC:37cm
Day 46: W:7kg L:62m HC40.5cm
Day 82: W:~9.2kg L:~66cm
Day 112: W:~10.4kg


積分: 7609

發表於 14-7-2 03:32 |只看該作者
Mrs.Kangaroo 發表於 14-7-1 21:50
哇,讀u 拿?time flies. 你女讀边間u呀?


積分: 25364

發表於 14-7-2 06:26 |只看該作者

引用:Quote:Mrs.Kangaroo 發表於 14-7-1 21:50

原帖由 hk_woman68 於 14-07-02 發表

sure win

Birth 15/3: W:4.2kg  L:52cm HC:37.5cm
Day 09: W:4.37kg  L:55.5cm HC:37cm
Day 46: W:7kg L:62m HC40.5cm
Day 82: W:~9.2kg L:~66cm
Day 112: W:~10.4kg


積分: 16372

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 2018父親節勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 瞓得好勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 14-7-2 09:20 |只看該作者
hk_woman68 發表於 14-7-1 18:36
係? 真架?有人試過?係咪所有科目學費全數都可以貸款? 政府有冇限每年批出學生貸款的人數

B ...
係真架! 雖然我未有仔女讀大學, 但我朋友D仔女就年年陸續上大學, 甚至有D剛畢業.

我都有問佢哋大學學費問題, 除了有D學業成績好, 拿得獎學金 (每年10K+),
佢哋就真係每年用獎學金交學費 (每年現金交學費有9折), 其餘D朋友仔女都是低息貸款, 真係全數貸款.

政府冇限每年批出學生貸款的人數, 又唔需要審查家庭收入 (將來唔知啦吓),
不過就話有D學科係冇得貸嘅, 暫時我知係讀 pilot.

同埋話中學畢業7年內才有低息貸款, 7年後就冇得貸, 讀 master degree以上都冇得貸,
所以我有朋友個仔讀完一個 degree 又讀一個 degree, 用盡個貸款期.

不過呢.... 我嘅資料係NSW, 其他省唔知會唔會一樣呢?

咁你都話你公司果D係有錢仔/女 大學生啦, 佢哋肯比錢交學費咪好囉,
好過D持住有戶籍嘅 "留學生", 讀完霸王書走返原居地唔還錢呀!


積分: 7609

發表於 14-7-2 18:56 |只看該作者
wiiabcd 發表於 14-7-2 09:20
係真架! 雖然我未有仔女讀大學, 但我朋友D仔女就年年陸續上大學, 甚至有D剛畢業.

我都有問佢哋大學學費問 ...
吾該曬甘詳盡解釋 甘我個心定D :lol
我公司果D 大學生係本地鬼仔鬼妹來架


