



積分: 23

發表於 05-12-6 05:12 |只看該作者

The Wireless Controversy - Important to know

As with any new technology, wireless phones did not arrive without controversy. Numerous studies have been conducted by private industry, academia, and the government, some of which reflect a concern that over-exposure to electromagnetic waves from cellular and cordless phones can result in real health risks. Some of those concerns include memory loss, headaches, and in some cases, even brain or inner ear cancers.Much can be said on both sides of this controversy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that while research has produced conflicting results, no studies to date have demonstrated a significant adverse health effect from exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation. However, as with any new technology, studies have yet to demonstrate the effects of long-term use and exposure. In May of 2001, FDA officials reported "We are 100% certain that we do not know the long-term effects of RF radiation on the human organism."*

To date, studies have only evaluated an average period of about three years of phone use. As a result, it is generally agreed upon that there is not enough information at this point to conclude that prolonged use of cordless or cellular phones - specifically when such phones and their antennas are placed directly against the head - is without risk.Are Cellular Phones Safe?

To ensure safety, and because no long term studies are available, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently established maximum limits on the energy, or radiation, that cellular and cordless phones can emit. These guidelines limit the Specific Absorption Ratio (SAR) of wireless phones. Recently, the FCC compiled a list reflecting the SAR of many popular cellular phones. This list can be viewed online at www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid.

When you acknowledge the fact that limits have been set by the Federal Government on phone-emitted radio frequencies (RF), it is prudent to assume that some risk may indeed exist in the use of wireless phones. Consumers should be given the opportunity to know what potential health consequences they may experience as a result of using cellular and cordless phones. Until all the facts are in, the best offense consumers have is a good defense.

If you guy is interested, I have bought this item to reduce the radiation for my cell phone via the following website:

---Suggested retailed price: $9.95 (not including S&H)

However, I find this item is under ebay right now:


Hope we all have a safe and healthy environment for our baby to grow up!


積分: 8831

發表於 05-12-25 09:55 |只看該作者

Re: The Wireless Controversy - Important to know

darrenmama,thank you for sharing 呀. 其實都唔駛等


積分: 23

發表於 06-1-24 07:14 |只看該作者

Re: The Wireless Controversy - Important to know

Actually, the radiation is the problem that causing all the issue right now. I used to have problem when I talked on the cell phone long, my skin that was touching the phone would be red. I read article said it maybe a sign of the radiation is damaging the skin. Handfree can be one of the choices to decrease the chance of being directly contact with the radiation but the radiation will still affect our body so I did some research and found the protecting shield that can block the radiation and so far it is the best product among the similar one in the market. After I use it, my face doesn't have the red mark like before but of course, I try not to talk too long in the cell phone too. Therefore, I think the best way to do is to install a protecting shield on the cell phone whether you talk a lot or not because cell phone will generate radiation all the time as long as you have it turn on. There is also some medical research saying that the man who always carries the cell phone on waist may have higher chance to get cancer on the organ such as liver, kidney etc. I also read about some tips such as when charging the cell phone, never put it around your head and sleep. Also the digital clock will generate radiation too. Invention brings us an easy and comfortable life but also come along is those crazy sickness. I guess as a parent, the only way to protect our children, is to get knowledgeable and get whatever is needed to protect ourselves and our children.


