



積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 03:36 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Those are just minor stories about my in laws, there are sooooooo much things that makes me can't stand them. The only normal person there is my sister in law, she is very considerate and understanding. My daughter is kinda the first grandchild they have(my father in law has some other grandchildren but not very close). As far as my husbund told me, he and his sister was raised by their grandma instead of them. But the worst part is that my 99 always tell me how good she is on raising children and she is bossy that she doesn't coorporate with me when I teach my child. She always try to challenge my position in my daughter's mind. I tried to talk to her nicely but she was mad at me saying I don't "give face" to her. So right now I tried to control myself and I'll kick my husbund when things go wrong. I'll let my husbund tell her instead of from my mouth. Me and my 99 sometimes argue on different issues in how to teach my daughter but good that my husbund is always on my side cuz he can see what's going on.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 03:49 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

If you tell me you have good relationship with your in-law, I will surprise as I know it is rare, so never mind how weird she is!
My guess is right and your in-law really has no experience with kids and since your daughter carry their last name, then she is the "pearl of their palm".
Yes, you shouldnt have any conflict with your in-law and just make your husband to tell them as they wont accept a outsider to criticise them.
You only visit them at night and it shouldnt be a big problem in term of bring up your daughter. Just relax and enjoy your life.

How about a second child? 3-5 year apart will be good as your daugther can help you out and the best part having 2 children is they can play with each other. Now my daughter is so lonely since we both busy at night and she seems glue on the computer for her games.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 04:36 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Actually me and my husbund are thinking about having another child right now but it will not be too soon cuz I'm using the birth control injection right now, we'll have to wait at least 6 mths before I can actually carry a baby. Also we planned to have a good vacation when BB gets to 3 so the 3 of us can kinda of some fun first before starting to be busy with another child. Maybe next year we'll start to work on it. Another thing that I really have to think is that you know our relationship was not that good before so I want it to be more steady before making other plans. Right now our relationship is ok but he still goes out to drink every week which I really think it's too much for a married with a daughter man. We still have to comprimise more first.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 05:11 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

From what I see, your husband is always on your side except he drinks every week. Atleast he work and bring money and consider to have another child, so I guess it is a good sign from him. We cannot always ask for the perfect husband !

My husband said his colleague are worse as they gather each week and play cards. Different families have different issues and I think sometimes we just need to accept certain thing in our life.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 05:26 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Of course he wants another child. He doesn't help or anything, it doesn't cost him anything. He doesn't really spend time with my daughter now already. He only stays in the computer room and play games, he doesn't do any house work but he messes everything up. Garbages throw on counter top as the garbage can is right beside him, wears at least 4 t-shirts everyday cuz he doesn't need to wash them, drink alot of stuff (but didn't drink the whole thing everytime)and left it everywhere in the house, the worst thing is the washroom which I don't even want to mention about it. Last nite I was busy cleaning the house and I asked him to help BB take bath, ended up the whole bathroom is wet, toys are not cleaned up left in the bathtub (I've taught my BB to clean up everytime after she play the bath toys), dirty clothes are not in the laundry basket but everywhere on the floor, used up almost half a bottle of baby wash. I ended up cleaning even more.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 06:14 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

You think I have a perfect husband? My husband is similar to your except he likes neat, so he complain all time about me!
Your daughter still very young to stick to your husband. As I said before my daughter is glue on the computer now and daddy is her hero as he knows all the games and play well. Every night, she will seat on daddy's nap for an hour and they play all types of games or I will force him to watch her while I am washing/cooking.
Regarding on the bathing, yes, my husband has similar situation but my daughter likes to shower with me. For your information, men are very different from women and you just need to accept them sometimes. Your daughter should be old enough to have shower with you, try it out.
By the way, has her potty trained? I guess your husband did help you out on changing diaper before, right? Sometimes you just overlook what he did to help you since your expectation seem very high from him.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 07:05 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Actually my daughter loves to play with daddy just that daddy doesn't want to spend time with her. Everytime he goes out either to work or to drink, my daughter insist to go out to the hallway and will not leave until daddy gets into the elevator. Everyday she will say daddy don't go daddy don't go, well he doesn't care anyways. I tried to force him to watch her while I clean and wash stuff but he will stay in the computer room. When I ask him why he doesn't come out and look after BB he will say BB didn't call for him. My daughter is potty trained and we don't use shower, we use bathtub. I sometimes take bath with her but I always have to take a shower first before I bath with her. My husbund tried to take bath with her once but she find it very fun to pull on his "elephant". After that my husbund don't want to bath with her anymore !! hahahahaha


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 23:26 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

Your huband is better than mine....atleast he did bath with her. My husband said he wont shower with our daughter since day 1. He knows the consequence and he never even think of shower with her.

From your husband's side, I guess he is telling you the truth as he doesnt know if your daughter wanted to play with him or not. As he needs to work, there is no way to stay home since he knows you will take good care of her. I will suggest you to start from your daughter and have her to start playing with daddy. In general, girls can melt all daddy's heart and as long as your daughter asks daddy, he will follow the instruction.
My husband loves our daughter so much and he said if we divorce one day, he will take the daughter no matter what will cost him. My husband is similiar to your husband behavior but deep in their heart, they love their child very much, trust me!


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-29 08:16 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


I actually knows he loves his daughter more than anything in the whole world. He knows our daughter wants to play with him all the time but he always think the games my daughter wants to play are stupid and it makes him look stupid. Don't understand why guys think that way ?-(


積分: 1136

發表於 07-5-1 00:02 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

Playing kiddie games are not stupid and it can create common topic between him and the daughter. Last night my daughter was playing with the father for over an hour and they both laugh so much during the games. As I said, daddy is the hero and mommy can never replace that role.
I forgot one of the games that they play is really interesting and even my husband said he likes that game. Just have him to look at the games on different way and he should find the fun way to play with. It is similar to teaching your daughter to open to a new world.


