



積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-21 07:27 |只看該作者
the following forum is the correct forum, please go and check your response there.. thanks!

原文章由 usbaby 於 08-6-19 07:34 PM 發表

咁阿囡又冇發燒兼好好胃口, 原來係咁, 咁我都冇咁驚, 我會再勤力 D 做清潔工作.

仲有一個問題, 我仲坐緊月由 15 朝到宜家日日食薑醋, 唔知係咪我 D 奶燥呢, 我發覺阿囡呢排個身出左好多紅色點點, 一 ...


積分: 21341

畀面勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 08-8-12 03:28 |只看該作者


首先係由23 weeks開始我有carpal tunnel syndrome,手腕同手指都痛,所以我都會聽你講用電pump啦!

另外係gestational diabetes,25週去做glucose screening, 衰咗,再去做glucose tolerance test, 擲界。咁佢哋就要我每日篤手指4次同用飲食控制。可惜平日飲食控制到,絕大部份都冇超標,但每朝起身空腹驗時就10次有9次超標,所以醫生要我一早一晚打輕量insulin。

我本身體重都正常,31 weeks重咗20磅,又唔係甜黨,真係估唔到呢!

驗糖尿嘅test strips 好貴,醫院俾我個brand我insurance又唔cover,e+想轉都太遲啦!意外嘅支出!

奶樽我暫時只買咗1個first year嘅5oz,學你講,睇吓bb鍾唔鍾意先啦,我都唔想買一堆唔等駛嘅嘢,而家我都係諗住樣樣都買少少先,用住先,啱用先再買,費事買咁多綁死自己啦!另外我係會做全職媽媽,所以我諗都唔需要咁多奶樽,不過諗住有時俾老公餵吓過吓癮囉,同埋出街時帶出去方便d。

其實e+只係買咗好少嘢咋,因為我唔係一個購物狂,買小小一件嘢都要諗好耐,抵唔抵,有冇用,可唔可以遲d買 。。。因為我真係好怕嘥嘢!

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-6-19 01:19 發表
紅紅 ,

Congratulations! Do you know if it's a boy or girl? Where in US you are living now? I live in San Francisco, CA and I had moved to here since 2004.
Good to know that you have decided to br ...


積分: 21341

畀面勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 08-8-12 03:42 |只看該作者


我都決定咗會用electric single pump啦,manual聽落真係好辛苦咁!



我覺得e+有咁多唔同選擇,真係有好有唔好!幾十年前冇乜choice,反而冇咁煩 。。。
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-19 05:48 發表
it depends you are going to be a working mom or stay home mom, as you are going to be 100% breast feed mom, manual is a pain on the neck depends on how much you rely on it.
I had my Avent ISIS m ...


積分: 171752

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-8-13 03:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 紅紅 於 08-8-12 03:28 發表
另外係gestational diabetes,25週去做glucose screening, ...

I also had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter. My ob sent me to see the dietitian right the way after the 1st test because it was way up too high so that it's no need to have another glucose tolerance test. I also needed to have blood tests 4 times a day and I was lucky that my glucose level was under control after diet change. But, I lost too much weight and the ob and the dietitian suggested me to eat more, gain some weight and use insulin. Luckily, before I needed to do that, my daughter bornt in the 37th week.

Well, sometimes, it's hard to say why we have gestational diabetes. My case was similar, gained only 17lbs and I did not eat too much sweet stuff (but rice and other carbonhydrates turned into starch) and my family do not have diabetes history.

I'm quite lucky that my insurance cover all the test materials. What I only have to pay was co-payment of dietitian appointments and ob appointments. Which brand of glucose monitor you are using now? See if mine and yours the same. I still have some test strips left. If ours are the same, I can mail them to you. Which city you live now?

When I go out, I don't bring milk for my daughter, only a bottle of water because I'm the milk bottle It's really convenient. Last weekend, when we're preparing to go out, I and my hubby had the conversation:

Hubby: Do you bring something for Amanda to eat?
Me: Yes, milk.
Hubby: Where?
Me: (point at my breasts) Here!!

Have you register at websites for baby stuff? You should register at those such as pampers, huggies, gerbers, etc. and they will send you some free samples and coupons periodically. I also registered in babiesrus.com and lullaby lane (not sure if you have that shop in your area) before and you can receive discount if you shop there later. I also shop at ebay.com to look for other people's surplus supplies such as disposal milk bags, nursing pads, etc. For disposal milk bags, I'm using Lansinoh ($10.99+T per 50 in Target and Babiesrus). For nursing pads, I like Medela ($9.99+T per 60), Lansinoh is good too ($9.99+T per 60+6). You may need nursing bras. I remember Medela Comfort Fit which I can wear for sleeping too, very soft and comfortable but a bit expensive ($3X in major shops, you can search in ebay for cheaper price). Another brand you can consider calls Yes! and it's only available in ebay.com and it costs $1X each + shipping.

So, you have only a few weeks to go? Do you have a name for your baby yet? Oh, one more thing, have a 20-30 minutes walk right after your each major meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and it would help to control your glucose level. Also, it's helpful for you to have an easy and shorter labor if you exercise more in the later stage. Good luck and remember to tell us after your baby's born.



積分: 21341

畀面勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 08-8-15 04:56 |只看該作者


我住喺Grand Rapids, Michigan㗎,bb 10月出世,好快冬天就到,會成日落雪[,我諗初頭出街嘅次數唔會多得去邊。不過聽講bb食唔晒d奶,我都係要pump出黎喎,pump出嚟又唔要咪好徙?咁留嚟出街用都好呀。唔知如果d奶pump咗出嚟喺24小時內食嘅話,可唔可以唔用儲奶袋,就咁倒入個普通奶樽放入雪櫃呢?咁咪唔駛徙錢買咁多袋囉?

講到糖尿,原來你果時都有!我用嘅brand係"One Touch。唔知你記唔記得果時個target係幾多呢?有香港媽媽話佢個target係 fasting 要below 108mg,after meal below 126mg。而我就分別係90mg同120mg呀!即係如果我住喺香港,就算合格唔駛打針啦!

有gestational diabetes真係唔易控制,因為一方面要控制blood glucose,另一方面又唔繼續增磅喎!我頭果個星期都輕咗3磅呀,唔知係咪因為掛住數carbs,唔記得要食多d其他嘢拉上補下呢!同埋初時都幾stressful,好緊張幾點要食嘢,幾點要篤手指,唔知係咪個人緊張就減磅呢?

我見自己輕咗,就開始題醒自己要食多d其他嘢補數,終於增返之前嘅磅數。同埋e+會冇咁計較一定要每3hrs食嘢,一定要好準時篤手指,1 mins都唔可以偏差 。。。 不過e+開始要打針,又開始有d stress啦。

唔該晒你提醒我去d baby websites 樹register,我睇完即時去register晒啦!

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-8-13 03:39 發表

I also had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter. My ob sent me to see the dietitian right the way after the 1st test because it was way up too high so that it's no need t ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-8-15 05:25 |只看該作者
If you are going to be a 100% BF mom.
sure have to pump after feed, and save them for use later.
If you are going to use all of them in 24 hours, sure you can pump into the bottle and keep it in the fridge. but you need to mark on the bottle, dispose unused breast milk in 24 hours.
if you know that too much milk in fridge, then you better save them in storage bag.

I got 2 brand new One touch glucometer with me. Give me your address if you want one. but you need to pay for the postage. I am a visiting nurse, that is what we give our patients if they can not afford one. Medicare and medicaid paid. you need to pay for the test strip, lancets and alcohol pad by yourself. if you believe that postage is too expensive, you can get it from any local store. we are here to help.
I am living in new york.
原文章由 紅紅 於 08-8-14 03:56 PM 發表


我住喺Grand Rapids, Mi ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-8-15 05:58 |只看該作者
If you will warm your milk within 24 hours, sure you can keep them in fridge. But you must dispose all un-used bf after 24 hours. If you know that you can not finish all of them in 24 hours. better pump into the storage bag and keep them in freezer, do not freeze plastic or glass milk bottle in freezer, they are going to explose.

I got 2 brand new One touch glucometer, still in box. I am an NORC and outreach, visiting nurse, so I have the supplies with me. if you want one, I can mail you one. but you need to pay for the postage. you need to buy your own test strip, lancets and alcohol pad.
if you want one, let me know. pm me your address. I live in new york, it takes a few days for delivery via USPS
if you need futher help. let me know.
原文章由 紅紅 於 08-8-14 03:56 PM 發表


我住喺Grand Rapids, Mi ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-8-15 06:04 |只看該作者
this is the 3rd time I leave the same message..
BK is stuck!

1. if you will use the BF in 24 hours, sure you can pump them into the bottle and keep them in fridge. If you will not use them in 24 hours, use storage bag and keep them in freezer. DO not freeze the bf in bottle. it is going to explose.
2. I got brand new One touch Glucometer. as I am a NORC/outreach visiting nurse. I got the stock with me for my new patients at any time. if you want it, pm me, I will mail you one, but you need to pay for the postage.
for futher help, always come and ask.. ok?
原文章由 紅紅 於 08-8-14 03:56 PM 發表


我住喺Grand Rapids, Mi ...


積分: 171752

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-8-17 14:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 紅紅 於 08-8-15 04:56 發表
我住喺Grand Rapids, Mi ...

餵人奶最緊要對自己有信心同堅持的心,第一次做媽媽一D都唔容易,頭一個月最辛苦,有家人朋友支持會好好多。我初初出街餵都覺得好煩,BB食得唔快,老公又係個好心急嘅人,要佢等我餵BB佢好唔耐煩,成日叫我等返到屋企先,講真如果可以我都冇問題,但係BB唔會同你咁諗,餓就要食,冇得食就喊,我寧願餵完大家舒舒服服安安靜靜咁揸車返去,好過要BB喊足成程車。大shopping mall 或department store都有育嬰室,冇就搵條大包巾遮住,通常我會走返上車度餵,我都唔介意人地點睇,最緊要BB食飽(其實我都好少出街食飯,因為湊住兩個出街,食飯都唔可以去得耐)。


我都係用"One Touch,我仲有D試紙剩,你PM個地址同名俾我啦,我寄俾你啦。果陣我個target係 fasting 要below 95, after meal below 135。我通常都合格,只有一兩次因為唔知食咗D有糖醃嘅嘢先超標,你會唔會係因為唔穩定時高時低,所以醫生要你打針呀?我果陣係一開始on diabetes diet到生之前都一直減磅,所以醫生同治療師都話要我食番多D,寧願打針,好在妹妹早咗出世,我可以唔駛打針,妹妹又唔太重可以自己生。

總之,散步無論對控制糖尿或者分娩都好有幫助,後期我個肚好大,散步對我來講都有D吃力,不過為咗BB好,都係好短時間,咪頂硬上囉。以前喺香港,我都個個星期去gym 打tennis 做yoga,嚟咗之後只係打過幾次tennis, 而家最大運動就係成日抱住妹妹出出入入。我地都係一早諗好女仔名,到第一胎照倒係仔,老公同我即刻頭痕,囝囝個名係到生果刻都未決定。好在第二胎係女,咁一早諗定果個名先有用。


積分: 13718

發表於 09-8-28 13:18 |只看該作者


有一次在 bk 看到一香港中醫師出的一份產奶配方做湯水。
- 王不留行1兩
- 通草4錢
- 黃豆(約3-4兩)
- 花生(約3-4兩)
- 豬腳或豬手1只
- 墨魚干1只

我六個月前才叫父母代勞在屋倫唐人街的中藥店買到 王不留行 與 通草。 不比香港貴。


積分: 13718

發表於 09-8-28 13:44 |只看該作者

帶baby 出街,可以用喂奶披肩蓋著身體與 baby , 沒人知道,除非也是喂人奶的媽媽才知道。我常邊喂奶邊與朋友們相聚。 有一天,在朋友家正喂人奶,有一男朋友還叫我去吃西瓜。 我直說出不方便的原因。他很驚訝的說簡直不察覺我在喂人奶。還以為喂奶披肩是我穿的衣服。 也想他太太也照著去找件喂奶披肩來直接埋身喂。我把喂奶披肩放在紙料片袋裡隨baby帶著。穿著前面有鈕扣打開上半節的衣服。先披上披肩,把baby抱在身於披肩裡,裡面做什麼沒人那麼八卦要來知道你在干什麼。 就算知道了,在美國是普通事,沒人覺得怪的。 還會非常支持你,與佩服你。

喂奶披肩 在 Target, Baby R Us or Walmart 都見到有。

[ 本帖最後由 ndw 於 09-8-28 13:47 編輯 ]


