




積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-9 11:13 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-5-10 13:59 編輯

Okay, back to Eve.
She eats the forbidden fruit.
Then, she gives to Adam.
She was made in order to be a helper to Adam.
Some helper! (ndw add: )
She helped him to sin.
But Adam has no excuse.
Where was he at?
Did she have to go look for him? No!
He was there nearby. [ndw response: 係喔!就享身隔離至喔 ]
He was watching her.
Why didn’t he interfere?
Why didn’t he stop her?
He knew the law.
He was even closer to God.
He had known she was created by God especially for him.
Did he protect her? No way!
He was waiting to see what would happen to her!
She was a guinea pig for Adam!

(ndw response: Eve is guinea pig...)

資詢大家: 我在此用的是五號字,大過頭,定細過頭?定岩岩好呢?


積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-10 13:42 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-5-10 13:55 編輯

When she didn’t die, perhaps he thought it would be okay.
When she offered the fruit to Adam, he could have turned it down. But he didn’t.

We can learn from Adam’s sin also.
He put too much value on his wife.
He desired her so much that he did not think about God’s law.

We can learn from this example.
1) We need to trust God
2) We need to desire the things that God says are good and
3) avoid the desire for things that are not good

Is food good? Sure, God made it for us to enjoy and live by.
Just don’t over indulge.
Is sex good? Sure, God gave it to some.
Just make sure to follow God’s law on it – one man, one woman for life.
Is fun good? Sure, if God says this fun thing is good.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-10 13:46 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-5-10 13:55 編輯

Now God knows they have sinned. They give it away by hiding.

My children do the same thing.
When my little one, 溫柔, disappears and things get strangely quiet, I get suspicious.
Then I call to her and she does not come out for a while.
I call again and she finally appears or I have to go look for her.
I know she has done something wrong just by her behavior.

Why did Adam and Eve feel naked?
They were without clothes before and never felt naked. (Genesis 2:25)
They know they are guilty.
They know they did not believe God.
They know they are responsible for their own sin.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-10 13:49 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-5-10 13:54 編輯

Did they learn about good and evil as God had said?
You bet!
They did something evil and they know it now!
As a result, they feel the guilt and shame of it.

Then Adam and Eve start to blame others.
There is some truth in their statements, but it does not show they feel responsibility for their own sin.
In fact, they show a lack of responsibility.
That is an example of untrustworthiness.

Then they are cursed.
Their curses fit their sins, but it also fits their problem.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-10 13:52 |只看該作者

Eve should have listened to God, obeyed God, not Satan.

She was created in order to help Adam.

She did not help him, she tempted him.

So, from now on, the wife will have to submit to the husband anddo what he says.

You didn’t help, so now you will have to help.

She broke the relationship with her husband by not fulfilling herpurpose for her creation.

Now the wife will be forced to help.

Her “desire will be for her husband.”

She will be forced to learn a wife’s role.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-10 13:53 |只看該作者

Adam listened to his wife, rather than God.

He broke the relationship between himself and God.

He did not fulfill his purpose for creation either.

He was dependent on God for his food and comforts, his security.

You didn’t depend on me, so now you will have to depend on me, butit will be hard.

You will have to wait for your food.

You didn’t stop your wife from sinning either.

So, he will have to work for the both of them.

Before they could eat from the fruit of the trees of the earth.

Now he will have to work hard for their food and comforts.

There won’t be enough fruit available year round to eat from, sohe will have to work hard to make other things grow for the rest of the time.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-5-10 14:02 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-6-3 07:14 編輯

Okay, did they learn their lesson? No.

Their reaction afterwards proves it.

They hid from God.

That shows they were afraid of Him.

They do not trust God still, otherwise they would not be afraid of Him.

Trust could lead them closer to God, but they still did not have what it takes.

They were not right before God and not just because they had sinned.

They did not trust God.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:16 |只看該作者
As a result, God must kick them out of the Garden of Eden.
There are several reasons for this:

1) He promised them that if they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would die.
In order for them to die, they must be denied access to the tree of life.
He must keep his promise.

He threatened punishment if they disobeyed and He must keep His word.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:17 |只看該作者
When I threaten to punish my children if they disobey me, I should carry out my word.
I believe if I don’t they may eventually not believe they will be punished. I have seen it with many children, not just my own. If you do not punish, they will become more disobedient. When I decide not to punish them I tell them it is because I chose to have mercy on them. But I have to watch that closely, not do it too often.
They are weak, so that will mean they will be more likely to disobey me if I don’t fulfill my promise to punish.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-6-3 07:19 編輯

Interestingly enough, if I break my promise of punishment, they may think I will break all my promises. Children who are not disciplined feel unloved. You don’t even care enough to give them a lesson. You let them grow up without discipline, but they will feel the discipline of life someday and it will be a much harder lesson for them. You leave them unprepared.

God will not do that. When He says something will happen, it will happen. When He says He will punish, there will be a punishment.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:21 |只看該作者
2) Second reason - The man and woman now know about their evil because they have committed it. They are not responsible enough to admit their own sin but instead blame others. To avoid punishment, to avoid dying, they will want to access the tree of life which is in the Garden.

That is only natural for man.
Nothing wrong with living forever, but living forever means living in the presence of God forever and they are not ready for that. They do not have what it takes to have a good relationship with God.
They do not trust God!


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:22 |只看該作者
How can they be ready to live with Him?
It is not fair to God to expect Him to forever put up with someone who does not trust and cannot obey.
And just as importantly, God must keep His word.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:24 |只看該作者
22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—
23 therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. 24 So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:26 |只看該作者
But God showed He cares about them still.
He did one more thing before they left the Garden.
He made clothes for them.
He knew they felt naked.

When my children do something wrong and get hurt, I try to fix their hurt.
I may be angry with them and scold them, but I also show I care for them by fixing their hurt.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:29 |只看該作者
But even though man was kicked out of the Garden and away from the presence of God, there is much good that came from this.

Good things that came from the expulsion from the Garden –

1) They will gain understanding of the awfulness and awful results of sin – they will experience the effects of sin by living away from God and very soon, its corrupting effect will be seen
2) They will have motivation to seek eternal life
3) They will have motivation to seek God who holds eternal life
4) They will be learning to trust God, to seek God
5) Not only they will, but their descendants will.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:31 |只看該作者
If there had been no punishment, all these things would not have happened.
So punishment shows God cares.

God knew all this would happen when He created them. Yet, He still created them. Why did He do that? Because God knows that there is a way they can have a good relationship with Him and He will use their sin to make it happen. When I realized this truth, it amazed me. It should amaze all of us!


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:33 |只看該作者
God uses our sin to create something good, something that wasn't there before. I often heard that man destroyed what was there – he had a relationship with God and God today is building that back. But the truth is that this man and woman never had the proper relationship with God. It wasn't God’s fault. He had given them everything to win their trust and it did not happen. But it takes sin to make it happen. But God must kick them out of the Garden because if they live forever with this kind of attitude, it will not help them. It will not be a good relationship with God.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:34 |只看該作者
It is the same with us today.
We are like Adam and Eve.
We don’t know how to trust God the way we should at first.
We are children who don’t have a relationship with God.
Even if we grow up, we don’t do right.
We don’t know how to have a relationship with God.
Even when we become Christians, we tend to forget, tend to think only of ourselves sometimes.
We don’t even want to do this and we still do it sometimes.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:36 |只看該作者
As we grow up we learn about death.
When we listen to the bible, we learn the effect of sin and how it leads to our death.
If we accept this, then will have motivation to seek eternal life.
We will notice how sin corrupts even the best of people.
We then will have motivation to escape a life of sin and a love for sinning.
We are motivated to seek God who can give us eternal life.
If God does not correct us, then we don’t believe Him about anything.
By correcting us, we learn that God keeps His promises.


積分: 13719

發表於 13-6-3 07:38 |只看該作者
God only corrects those whom He loves.

This should build up more trust within us.
It should also make us more trustworthy.

It is all about trust.

Bad things happen to us.

Sometimes it is due to our sin.
Sometimes it is because of the sins of others.

Either way, sin is corrupting.


