




積分: 4598

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積分: 13719

發表於 11-1-31 04:15 |只看該作者

回覆 41# sshoi 的文章

我老公話如果好似 以下舉的 LEE種思考方式就不是從聖經而出的,而且會產生問題。舉例:要等到我地完全沒有得罪神的地方後才去按著聖經的教導指出別人得罪了神的地方給那人看。如此思維推去, 0甘我地根本唔應該指出仔女有哪些得罪神的地方了。不應管教仔女了。 因為我們到肉身死之前都不可能做到完全沒有欠了神的境界。

我話:例如,我們細女看到大女在飯前吃甜的東西,知道沒有聽父母的話,不對。 一會兒後,大女同細女玩,細女 發攤炸 撼個頭落地下。 大女知道細女沒有聽父母話。於是同妹妹講:“你撼個頭落地下,曳曳呀!唔聽爸爸媽媽話。”唔通細女以下以這樣的思想方向回大女是對嗎!如:“家姐,你收聲啦,因為你頭先系食飯前食甜0野啦。你無聽爸爸媽媽話。所以我衣家唔使接受 你的指正的。”

老公話:其實細女唔應該0甘回家姐的指正。應該先思考家姐的指正是否吻合父母的教導,和向家姐表明知錯。 如果真的發生了,細妹指出家姐不對的地方,家姐應該馬上在細妹面前承認自己飯前食甜品是錯的。跟住還是要指出細妹發攤炸 撼個頭落地下的錯。最后細妹應該承認自己 撼個頭落地下 的錯。

[ 本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-1-31 04:22 編輯 ]


積分: 13719

發表於 11-1-31 04:23 |只看該作者


我講講 我同老公點做啦。我個女0既情況、性格每一個人不同,所以管教方法行得通響我個女上,未必行得通響你個仔女上。
我個女接收父母對佢作出的指正時,佢的接受態度唔好。我地一話:“NO”0姐,都冇嬲,只系嚴肅0甘講 NO 要引佢注意聆聽父母的管教0姐。0甘佢就大發脾氣,大嘈大嚷加撼個頭落地下。

叉開話題的支節 (不過同夫妻情感有關的):
我個女好喜歡被攬攬錫錫,親親熱熱嫁。同佢家姐細個時唔同,佢家姐,人抱住佢攬錫佢,佢都使勁推開人,還要好唔中意0甘既口面。所以,LEE 個細女,我地經常同佢攬攬錫錫,親親熱熱,而且攬的越實佢越中意,越感覺到被愛。我覺得佢好似我。有次我同老公分析, 可能因為我和細女屬這類的觸感,所以好像以前的 X君 同我親熱的方式好迎合我,可惜親熱程度的發展快過終生廝守的承諾 (Physical intimacy is developed faster than spiritual commitment to marriage)。結果結唔成婚 (感謝神的保守,還沒有到以身相許的地步),反而害了大家,尤其我婚後的性生活。

但是夫妻關系 同仔女的關系唔同,我們除了迎合仔女的親熱方式外,還有責任管教仔女。所以,我們幫助細女學習控制好自己的情緒,要有正面的態度接受父母的督責時,我們系會一遇到細女發難炸撼個頭落地下時,就立即嚴肅冷靜地說:“不要撼個頭落地下. NO NO”指指佢個頭,指指地下,又講 NO NO。 佢通常那時根本受情緒影響到什麼也聽不入耳。於是我們要幫佢冷靜下來,思考父母同佢講的話語。要達到這目的,接踵而來0既系冷靜0甘用自己身體如大腿支持住佢前身0既 pat pat,隔住紙尿片

的墊拍佢 pat pat 後面厚肉的部位。一邊打,一邊再重復督責佢那裡做得不好:“不要撼個頭落地下. NO NO”。
現在佢好好多了,當接收父母管教督責時,佢會跟大家姐講:"Sorry Daddy" or "Sorry Mommy" or even "Sorry 家姐" 有時佢可能太攰,所以失去自制力也會對我們的 管教督責發難炸表示不接受,要任佢自己的性而行,要被寵壞。不過發難炸的方式就比以前有進步,起碼不再撼個頭落地下。知道會被父母拒絕(打打pat pat)。 It is a battle of will. 知道父母系唔會讓佢任自己不對的意而行的。在管教上不會向佢低頭的。現在,佢會改為自己雙掌拍打自己大腿肌肉。We are working on this one now. 因為都算系自殘的行為。好似武雷公0甘喊就一直由出世都依家都系無改進。We will work on that next.

[ 本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-1-31 04:27 編輯 ]


積分: 13719

發表於 11-2-18 13:11 |只看該作者

What is temptation?

我:"......keep us away from temptation..."
大女:"What is temptation?"
老公:"a musical group from the 60s "
我:"Daddy?! "
老公:" It's true. ......... Temptation is Satan try to trick us to do wrong (曳曳). He is all the bad people in the world combined and more. He is very 曳曳."
大女:"Is he try to keep us away from God? Make us not being with God, Not going to heaven? "
老公:"yes, but you need not to worry about him because God has bitten him up."
大女:"I don't want to do 曳曳 things."
老公:"As long as you try your best, you will be alright."


積分: 13719

發表於 11-2-23 05:54 |只看該作者
“你父母以前又唔系0甘教養大你地,你地衣家咪幾好,放心拉唔使顧慮0甘多0既。”時不時都聽到 好多父母、姻親朋友會0甘講,0甘0念。

I have already thought about this scenario and analyzed it before.

趁ARM 自己病,請假響屋企休息,我就寫下我0既0念法。.......

-------- 待續 ---------


積分: 13719

發表於 11-2-23 05:56 |只看該作者
The difference between my environment and my children's when we grow up leads to a different influence.
My parents only have raised one Christian out of few children and that was not of their own will. My will is to try my best to help all of my children to love God and follow God all of their life, to be more spiritually minded than carnally minded.
Otherwise, God may pull my children away from me so they can become Christians just like what He did with me so I can be Christian.
I don’t want my children go through the same family path as I went through in my parents’ home.

Don’t get my point wrong here, I love my parents. I think they are very decent, well respected human beings


積分: 13719

發表於 11-2-23 05:59 |只看該作者
1. When I was growing up, I had a lot less time with my Mom in either quality or quantity as my daughters do with my Mom now. And even to this day, my Mom still wonders why I was so sticky to her “all” the time. “Dug……” I hardly get any time with her. The only time was when I was sick after Grandma died and Dad was not living in home.

So, there was not much chance for my Mom to talk to me in the same manor she talks to my children nowadays.

Besides, I was taught differently than my children were taught. I was taught not to express my feelings because my voice would not been heard anyway. I was taught to suppress how deeply I want to get Mom’s attention because my Mom would simply shoo me away and treat me like there was something wrong with me.

On the other hand, I teach my children to express their feelings and I listen and understand how they feel first before I lay out what they should do about it.

-------- 待續 ---------


積分: 13719

發表於 11-2-25 14:28 |只看該作者


When I was growing up, my parents were separated for 6 years. Even after we were united again, their long working hours and different schedules kept us from interacting with each other, I hardly heard their conversation, interacting with each other what so ever. There was not any chance to immerse in their socializing with each other. Chinese New Year holidays were the only chance that we gathered as family, but my parents are vary communistic and would urge to share this tiny family time we could have with a whole group of relatives, 1 dozen of their siblings and 4 dozens of my cousins.

Now they are retired and have nothing to do at home and no mobility to go out on their own. And here comes the catch, they constantly argue with each other out loud any moment, any place regardless if my children are present or not.

My jaw drops on the floor whenever I hear their conversation; I cannot believe these are my parent’s manners to each other.

And I have lately realized that I put my children in this unpleasant talk environment all day long everyday for 5 years in the pass, and 3 days a week in recent years.

-------- 待續 ---------


積分: 13719

發表於 11-2-27 08:07 |只看該作者


Both my parents changed and I changed over the years. Nothing about humans are constant. Only God is constant and what He defines is good is constant.

Now, I have seen how God's plan was to take me away from my parent’s worldly influence step by step until I reached adulthood. Then, He pulled me out from their sight totally for 10 years, so I could grow, transform under His biblical spiritual influence.

Then, He put me back into this world, living with my parents every day, 24 hours by 7 days for 5 years. I believe He did this just to get me to experience how much difference there is between my beloved parents and me. And I experienced the difficulty issue we are facing and the battle between carnal mind and spiritual mind.


積分: 13719

發表於 11-3-6 10:24 |只看該作者


If I didn’t have children with me, I could focus on how to care for my spiritual mind from God in order to influence my parent’s carnal mind and do it in a more subtle way.

However, with my children seeing them, I also need to carry out parenting responsibility to them. I cannot ignore my parent's worldly manner; I have to point out to my children the negative examples they see. Teach them according to God’s statues, according to what is good values defined from the bible.

But my parent’s heavy worldly mind cannot accept what I am teaching our children. And they cannot take any criticism. They get mad at me as they focus only on their hurt feelings at being criticized as though I was not respecting them.

If I keep my mouth shut, I am stuck because I cannot let what has happened go by or my children will forget it too and the value of the lesson will not sink in to my children.

Plus, they look up to their grandparents. If I don't stop the thought when it first happens, it will grow into something much harder to overcome. With little children especially, they need to hear the instruction when the example is there or it will not make sense to them later when the example has vanished.

I am not picking on my parents especially; I do the same when we see bad example on TV show, children TV program. But my parents are very self-centered in their old days and do not see that the children need to do differently


積分: 13719

發表於 11-3-17 06:46 |只看該作者
This is the difficulty I face, so I have to be concerned about this and try to teach my children differently than what I learned from my parents and also point out not to follow their example. I think the environment is much different for my children than it was for me growing up.

------------ END ----------


積分: 4598

發表於 11-3-17 08:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 ndw 於 11-3-17 06:46 發表
This is the difficulty I face, so I have to be concerned about this and try to teach my children differently than what I learned from my parents and also point out not to follow their example. I think ...



積分: 13719

發表於 11-3-19 09:20 |只看該作者

回覆 52# sshoi 的文章

咪就係,唔通趁熱指住62同個女講:“嗱!嗱!嗱!爺爺曳曳喇。” 0甘呀。 笑笑口來講都唔掂啊。實畀人秉鍋金0既。又話唔尊重長輩 老人。 又@#!


積分: 3911

發表於 11-3-19 09:54 |只看該作者
我本來教書, 收入不錯. 而家有2個B, 大囡2歲. 轉左full-time mum. 係屋企好忙, 我自覺做得不太好.

我husband & 佢家人都係non-Christian. 係管教有好多阻力....... 佢家人話我唔識諗, BB可俾佢地湊.
我見過99 成日教BB拜個神主牌, 認邊個係財神,.... 心裡都很不舒服. 這些都是我堅持要自己湊B的原因. 而家係屋企教左小朋友一些東西, 每次見老公家人時也會俾佢地在小朋友面前批評..... 好似走前一步, 又退後左步咁.

因小朋友的原因, 與老公關係不太好. 佢成日問點解我唔可以讓步, 我覺得我不過是堅持行神的心意, 我點解要讓步. 與他說不上幾句就吵起來......



積分: 13719

發表於 11-3-29 09:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-3-29 09:08 編輯

回覆 zanezane 的帖子

信與不信真系有好多價值觀上0既唔同。所以,佢家人話你唔識諗 LOR。 我都被我爸爸媽媽話我唔識諗。


所以屋企有人唔信神透過聖經講0既真理都幾麻煩。LEE條0向屬靈生命追求上阻阻濟濟0既辛苦路就預左要行0嫁啦。 希望 now 還未結婚0既主內弟兄姐妹請三思趁還有得選擇做單身時同唔同未信0既人結婚。 because 要付出代價0嫁。


積分: 13719

發表於 11-3-29 09:20 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-3-29 09:26 編輯

我自己屋企都有個笑話講講畀大家聽聽, 背景比較長。
依加,我父母翻左去探親,到四月頭先翻來。0甘0岩我個大女問過我地公公婆婆肉身死後(靈魂)會唔會同主耶穌神一齊響天堂。我唯有照實答佢公公婆婆依加都唔想跟從神,唔想與神同行,第日死左都唔會同神一齊。我老公就加口叫個女到公公婆婆翻來時同公公婆婆講LEE個真理,動員公公婆婆信耶穌,聽耶穌話,做取神喜悅0既選擇同埋事情,摒棄做神所憎恨0既事。 話唔定公公婆婆會因為孫女講0既而加以認真思考LEE個永生0既事呢!

女女聽到對讀書管理員講話:“咦!到那時,公公婆婆翻左來啦,我地可以同公公婆婆一齊睇啦。 ”
我翻到屋企後學翻畀老公知。老公笑左出來。 還同女女作多幾句句子:我地個個星期都去探公公婆婆0嫁。 LEE 個都系真,我爸爸媽媽同我同一區住,但系唔同屋,隔幾個街口,個個星期都唔系我地去佢地樹就系佢地來我地樹。



積分: 13719

發表於 11-4-9 22:44 |只看該作者

得我自己響飯廳喂老二慢慢同我 DUMP 時間。老二中要玩0野又唔肯食又大嘈大叫。 老大同老三又響書房哎交哎到拆天0甘。我真系忍唔可忍,一於同老二一起鬥大叫。 老公又唔知響邊樹攻翻出來, 馬上抱住老二來同我好平靜0甘講:“我問你可唔可以喂老二,你唔得咪出聲話唔可以 LOR。”
我先知道原來我有選擇可以拒絕老公 而唔會搞到老公 負荷過多而 好似上回 0甘發癲 0既?!

結果嘈到正響書房0既老大同老三都衝出來睇我有無事。 我都覺得自己大叫唔0岩。向小朋友,向老公認錯。

大女告訴我:“It's okay, just don't do it again. 你應該向主耶穌忍錯,求神幫你改過LEE個大叫喔。”

大女對住我好認真0甘講:“Mommy, remember, you yelled this morning. ”

p.s.: 老公上次發癲0既事,請讀:
我對我o既生活開始麻木..... 最近我 o既post


積分: 13719

發表於 11-4-19 11:26 |只看該作者
我地一家每晚都團聚在小孩子的睡房裡一起禱告。最近細女好多時都要求開口禱告。我們讓她在我們禱告之前或之後禱告。許多時,女女支支吾吾,我們都差到她禱告的內容,大致與我們講的相若。有次,女女禱告玩後,老公說:" I don't want to say AMEN this time because I am not sure what she prayed for this time. Sounds like she pray for no sleep, play all the time..."



積分: 13719

發表於 11-5-7 15:41 |只看該作者
我今日同小女響兒童游樂場玩就與到一個 男仔,我兩個女輪住來畀佢蝦。我要運用到我肚裡0既中氣命令佢:“Be Nice!”佢先肯讓路畀我D女行過。後來又唔受游樂場規則來玩0野,做盡危險動作。我即刻同我D女講:拿拿拿!我地所見到 0既 LEE 個男仔做0既0野都系曳曳事。我地好靠近曳曳人,因為佢做曳事時意外多機會發生,會跌落來軋傷你0嫁。你選擇朋友一起玩同活動都要識揀選,曳曳人千奇唔好埋佢堆唔好同曳曳人玩。


積分: 13719

發表於 11-5-12 03:14 |只看該作者

My daughter wrote this story:

本帖最後由 ndw 於 11-6-1 12:19 編輯

One day there was a baby. The baby . Finally his mom come here. His mom put him to bed.
When he well he began to hav a bad when he had a bad dream he started
again. Then his mom take him out. his mom give him a tissue to cheer him up.
Now he is so he'll want to play with his frends. The End
This day Fase is to his friends are to have a gift. Suddenly a bad Fase say sorry
to the bad face and he tod him to tell wut he wunts. When he got the ralng cweshdin
the bad Fase .His dog throw the ball and he git .Thin he . Thin he .Thin he beet
him.When he kip beetting him he start running and he won. Thin he is start do more fun.
He play the . Thin he won. Now it's his The End


