



積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 13:59 |只看該作者
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積分: 28217

發表於 14-10-9 14:21 |只看該作者
tize2002 發表於 14-10-9 13:59
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美國那邊的保險是否和香港的大同少異?多少歲便不受保?聽說那邊有公立醫院門診或住 …

醫保有好多細節,例如可以睇邊 d 醫生,自己是否要出一部份醫療費用,有冇病係唔保嘅,或者幾多歲就唔受保,都要詳細研究,我都未睇到咁仔細。我都擔心年紀大左多病痛時,即使醫保肯包,保費會否天文數字,醫療係而家最困擾我嘅問題,我老公已經諗美國是否一個可以終老嘅地方,佢而家鄭重考慮申請移民加拿大,英聯邦系統,醫療有政府包底,安心好多


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 15:47 |只看該作者
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積分: 28217

發表於 14-10-9 16:07 |只看該作者
tize2002 發表於 14-10-9 15:47
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請問公立和私立的價錢是否差很大?那麼人人都能負擔這麼昂貴的醫療保費嗎? ...

在美國,如果你有工作,公司通常都會提供醫療保險,所以我有朋友的父母六十多歲了,即使經濟上沒有負擔,仍然不敢全退休,仍然每星期做一定鐘數的工,就是為保住份醫療保險。老人家過了 65 歲又在美國工作了十年以上(交了足夠的 Social Security tax),就可享有政府的 Medicare,比起私人買醫保平一大截。這裡已經涵蓋了大部份美國人,少部分低收入沒有資產的,就倚靠政府的救濟,最慘的是有點資產的移民,尤其不打算出來工作的,沒有公司提供的醫保,又不合資格申請救濟,就唯有自己捱貴醫保了


積分: 113

發表於 14-10-9 16:16 |只看該作者
If you plan to move to USA, you need to:

1. decide where to live, it is a wide range in terms of rent for say $600 to over $3000 for a two bedroom in USA. East coast and West coast are expensive. If you move to the south, may be cheaper.

2. decide where your child is going to school, this is a very very important decision. If you decide to go public school, you have to live inside a "school district" - this will allow you to study in that particular school. If you chose a place to live which is cheap, the school district probably NOT GOOD. If you chose a place which has good school, then the apartment rent MUST high. Unless you study at a private school, then no "school district" is implied, then you can live anywhere.

3. Insurance. There are a couple of insurance you need to have.
Renter insurance, car insurnace, medical insurance

If you rent an apartment, you need to pay the rent, utilities (gas, electiricty, sewage, water, waste disposal, etc....) , renter insurance, it would be added to the rent.

For medical insurnace, The Obama Care would help a little bit, but still, you have to pay may be $100-200 per month for you and your kid.

If you live downtown of a big city, you may not need a car, but the rent is expensive. If you have a car and live more far away, car insurance is about $1000 -2000 a year, it depends on your experience and driving records. Since you are new in USA, you probably pay the highest.

4. Getting a citizenship, you need to stay in the USA for not less than 6 months per year, for a continuing of 5 years. If you will not leave USA once you moved there, you have no problem getting one after five years. However, if your husband gets a green card (what they called 'Alien"), everytime he travels in to the USA, the immigration officer may ask him - where do you live, how long you leave the states, where do you work, why you leave the states..... etc. This is the most terrible circumstances. Also, if he works in Hong Kong, he has to pay the american income tax. Even though his income may not high enough to pay, he has to file each year.

This is what I can think of right now.


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 16:57 |只看該作者
回覆 mugtaitai 的帖子



積分: 1359

發表於 14-10-9 17:00 |只看該作者

回覆:tize2002 的帖子

可以點投資移民?買樓得唔得?要幾多錢先 qualify?


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 17:05 |只看該作者
回覆 laybb 的帖子



積分: 4335

發表於 14-10-9 17:31 |只看該作者
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積分: 4335

發表於 14-10-9 17:34 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 hikiko999 於 14-10-9 17:34 編輯

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積分: 4335

發表於 14-10-9 17:38 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 hikiko999 於 14-10-9 17:47 編輯



積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 18:16 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 tize2002 於 14-10-9 18:23 編輯

回覆 goady 的帖子

If you plan to move to USA, you need to:

1. decide where to live, it is a wide range in terms of rent for say $600 to over $3000 for a two bedroom in USA. East coast and West coast are expensive. If you move to the south, may be cheaper.

(My husband has a relative living in East coast for many years, so we will ask to his suggestions firstly and then to make a final decision to go or not go.)

2. decide where your child is going to school, this is a very very important decision. If you decide to go public school, you have to live inside a "school district" - this will allow you to study in that particular school. If you chose a place to live which is cheap, the school district probably NOT GOOD. If you chose a place which has good school, then the apartment rent MUST high. Unless you study at a private school, then no "school district" is implied, then you can live anywhere.
(Definitely right, living in a big city, any things must be higher than an uptown, so it is now hard to choose for me especially on this school problem.)

3. Insurance. There are a couple of insurance you need to have.
Renter insurance, car insurnace, medical insurance

If you rent an apartment, you need to pay the rent, utilities (gas, electiricty, sewage, water, waste disposal, etc....) , renter insurance, it would be added to the rent.

For medical insurnace, The Obama Care would help a little bit, but still, you have to pay may be $100-200 per month for you and your kid.

If you live downtown of a big city, you may not need a car, but the rent is expensive. If you have a car and live more far away, car insurance is about $1000 -2000 a year, it depends on your experience and driving records. Since you are new in USA, you probably pay the highest.
(US Medicalinsurance is very expensive than HK so much, by your experience, could you teach me which parts of MI sections can be cut out to save a little money, I think a most basic MI plan is acceptable for my family. For car insurance, yes I know, new license and new immigration, the car insurance must be high, so we only consider to buy or rent it after all things are settled down.)

4. Getting a citizenship, you need to stay in the USA for not less than 6 months per year, for a continuing of 5 years. If you will not leave USA once you moved there, you have no problem getting one after five years. However, if your husband gets a green card (what they called 'Alien"), everytime he travels in to the USA, the immigration officer may ask him - where do you live, how long you leave the states, where do you work, why you leave the states..... etc. This is the most terrible circumstances. Also, if he works in Hong Kong, he has to pay the american income tax. Even though his income may not high enough to pay, he has to file each year.
(This is dangerous if my husband quits his job moving to US, he is afriad of not to find a new job on there, so he want to keep his job at least 2 years from we immigrate to US.)

This is what I can think of right now.


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 18:19 |只看該作者
回覆 hikiko999 的帖子



積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 18:26 |只看該作者
回覆 hikiko999 的帖子

美國的medical insurance paln是否像香港般全保?定還是自己續part買?可自由選擇?


積分: 28217

發表於 14-10-9 18:31 |只看該作者
tize2002 發表於 14-10-9 16:57
回覆 mugtaitai 的帖子

明白,但去公立不是會平些嗎?是否要當地大公司或大企業才有醫療保障?一般小生意的就 …
公立可能會平 d,但服務可能冇咁好,等候時間又長,而且都唔係免費,所以我諗大部份人只要有得揀都會寧願入私家醫院。

據我所知,一般正規嘅公司都有醫保比員工,有 d 專揾移民笨嘅就難講了。醫保通常都包埋門診,但可以睇邊 d 醫生,自己要負擔幾多,就睇你買邊份醫保。如果你先生喺美國住過 5 年,就已經係公民了,做左超過十年嘢,交足稅,當然可以享受自己嘅公民福利包括 Medicare。我已經係公民,但回流前只做過 5 年嘢,仲差 5 年先可以攞到 Medicare,所以要自己買醫保,頭痛


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 18:39 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 tize2002 於 14-10-9 18:40 編輯

回覆 mugtaitai 的帖子



積分: 113

發表於 14-10-9 18:46 |只看該作者
For common cold, fever, coughing - no need to go to see doctor - just go drug store to get over-the-counter medicine.

For medical insurance, choose the Maximum Deductible is the lowest premium offerred.


積分: 28217

發表於 14-10-9 18:48 |只看該作者
tize2002 發表於 14-10-9 18:39
回覆 mugtaitai 的帖子

請問"交十年稅",是由剛取綠咭開始計算十年?定還是真正成為公民後才起首計十年? …
從你開始在美國工作並繳交 Social Security Tax 開始計,有一定得條件,例如每週工時要超過一定鐘數,一般全職工作都一定可以 qualify,你可以不必連續工作十年,總之在 65 歲前累計有十年工作就可以了

Medicare 是給 65 歲以上並工作了十年以上的人,缺一不可。65 歲以下的要自己想辦法,要不自己買醫保,要不找份工作,等公司提供醫保


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 18:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 tize2002 於 14-10-9 19:04 編輯

回覆 goady 的帖子

I see. In case if more important for child such as high fever or to get injured by a fall, should they send to hospital right now?


積分: 4801

發表於 14-10-9 19:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 tize2002 於 14-10-9 19:03 編輯

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