




積分: 230

發表於 04-10-18 21:33 |只看該作者

HELP!!solid food

Dear all bf moms,

My baby is 6 months old already. I have tried 1 tbs of rice cereal (mix with breastmilk of course) for 2 weeks already. She seemed to be interest and willing to try in the first few days. Then she refused to try the rice cereal (even the amount is only 1-2 tbs) anymore. She is crying, sucking fingers even she is in good mood or after nap. The worst thing is that she drank less breastmilk than before.

Another problem is that she gained less weight recently..... below the 5% of the norm (but she is healthy in these 6 months). Last Sat, the nurse said I have to train my baby to eat more solid food .... but not rely on breastmilk only......'cause she needs to gain more weight.

Today my mom tried some soft congee.... but still the same. She tried for 3 - 4 bites and then refused.

Can anyone tell me how can I teach my girl to take solid food and gain more weight? Should I let her try more variety of food or stick to one by one.

Jessie was born on April 10,2004. 我是全母乳BB呀! You are welcome to visit Jessie's website April 10 --- 2.87kg May 11 --- 3.75kg June 13 --- 4.72kg August 5 --- 5.51kg August 21 --- 5.7kg Oct 16 -- 6.1kg Nov 6 -- 6.4kg Nov 24 -- ~ 6.7kg Dec 14 -- 7.0kg Jan 10 -- 7.3kg April 10 -- ~8.0kg


積分: 5774

發表於 04-10-19 11:25 |只看該作者

Re: HELP!!solid food


After reading your case, I have the following suggestions.

1. When you buy baby food, you may try first stage baby food (suitable for baby from 4 months old) first.

2. The first solid food for my baby was banana and apple when she was 5.5 months old. I didn't give her rice cereal until she was 6 months old. You may try to smash a little bit of banana or make apple sauce. I made these baby food myself for my baby, I seldom buy baby food. Most babies love the flavor of banana.

3. The taste of soft congee might be a bit raw to baby. I don't like the taste myself neither. You may add some vegetables into the soft congee (choices of apple, pear, pumpkin, sweet potato...etc, anything with a bit sweet taste). Don't put any salt or other flavorings. Use mixer to smash the vegetables and soft congee before serving to your baby.

4. At the same moment, your baby might start teething, which make her a bit upset. That may be the reason she is not willing to eat, even mama milk. Does your baby sleep well at night? If not, it's OK, just let your baby suck mama milk as much as she wants.

It's a big change for babies when they turn 6 months old. They are very busy getting used to new habits and play and learn. Just relax and get her more time to adjust. Don't worry about losing weigh as long as she healthy, she will gain the weight back when she get used to the solid food.


積分: 230

發表於 04-10-20 10:54 |只看該作者

Re: HELP!!solid food

Thank you yuenwa,

I also don't want to buy the instant baby food. I want my girl to take natural food so I will prepare my food for her. I have tried the soft congee boiled with meat (only giving a bit of taste to the congee) and apple sauce in the last 2 days. She is willing to take for the amount of 1tbs. Thanks God, she is willing to open her months for 2 bites now.... and then sucking the thumb. What can I do to let her eat more and not sucking thumb during eating??

Yes, my girl starts teething.... I found there is small white spots on her teeth gum last night. Maybe this is the reason that she is loss of appetite.

I will put some carrot paste to the congee today to see whether she likes it or not. Can I prepare some fish soup and boil with the congee so that it may get more nutrients. What kind of veggie (leafy veggie)can I introduce to her first?

Thanks again.
Jessie was born on April 10,2004. 我是全母乳BB呀! You are welcome to visit Jessie's website April 10 --- 2.87kg May 11 --- 3.75kg June 13 --- 4.72kg August 5 --- 5.51kg August 21 --- 5.7kg Oct 16 -- 6.1kg Nov 6 -- 6.4kg Nov 24 -- ~ 6.7kg Dec 14 -- 7.0kg Jan 10 -- 7.3kg April 10 -- ~8.0kg


積分: 13356

發表於 04-10-20 13:52 |只看該作者

Re: HELP!!solid food

choi sum is good to baby b'coz it's正氣.

[img align=left]http://www.pau.com.hk/liwood/IMG_0764.gif[/img]Liwood Ma Ma [url=liwood.pau.com.hk/gallery]MyBB Album[/url] [email protected]


積分: 5774

發表於 04-10-20 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: HELP!!solid food


I just gave vegetable congee (without meat) to my baby for the first month. After she can finish 1/2 bowl of congee, then I started adding meat. Fish is a very good choice. My mother makes fish soup (no oil, salt and flavorings) to cook congee. Steam some fresh fish and add the meat into the congee would taste very good. (remember to put some ginger when steaming the fish). You may also add pork. If you find meat is not easy to smash, then put the whole thing (congee and meat) into some electric mixer (my mixer is a portable one, looks like a stick. I can put the stick into the pot of congee and smash directly.) to smash the congee into creamy texture, most babies adopt this texture easily.

For making vegetable congee, I will slice the apple, papaya, pear, or carrots...etc, into the congee. After the congee is cooked, then I smash the whole thing with electric mixer.

For making vegetable congee with green leaf vegetable, I use choi sum. I will boil the choi sum until cook. Then chop the vegetable (leaf and step) into very small piece. When the congee is almost done, put the chopped vegetable into the congee to cook for a little more while. Then smash the whole thing with electric mixer. When cooking green leaf vegetables, it's better to cook(boil) it separately. As it times longer time to cook congee, if the vegetable over cooked, it will turn yellow. Broccali, crawliflower, 節瓜, 翠肉瓜 and 白菜 are good choices.


積分: 230

發表於 04-10-21 15:52 |只看該作者

Re: HELP!!solid food

Thank you, yuenwa & liwoodma,

My girl can occassionly finish 2 tbs (max.) of solid food but most of the time, she refuses to try. I have tried carrot... mix with congee.
Yuenwa, I want to ask should I mix the carrot with congee or just smash the carrot to make puree for my girl?? I think I will try more other stuffs later.... such as papaya, banana, pumpkin, choi sum, etc..
We have created a happy environment for her and demonstrate the eating procedure for my girl. Still not much improvement shown..... maybe I need more patience & time.

Some elder person suggests that I should let my girl to take formula and let her gain weight first. I really don't want her to take any formula. I am afraid my mother-in-law will suggest this very soon.... & don't want me to bf her.

Hope my girl will take more solid food and gain weight soon (at least back to the 10 percentile curve).... so that I can insist bf her.

Jessie was born on April 10,2004. 我是全母乳BB呀! You are welcome to visit Jessie's website April 10 --- 2.87kg May 11 --- 3.75kg June 13 --- 4.72kg August 5 --- 5.51kg August 21 --- 5.7kg Oct 16 -- 6.1kg Nov 6 -- 6.4kg Nov 24 -- ~ 6.7kg Dec 14 -- 7.0kg Jan 10 -- 7.3kg April 10 -- ~8.0kg


積分: 5774

發表於 04-10-21 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: HELP!!solid food


The taste of the congee is rather raw, I suggest you just make puree to let your baby try. Carrot, apple, sweet potato, papaya, pear..., etc. Until your baby can finish 1/2 bowl, then make vegetable congee.

I remember that some books taught me to give the same thing to baby for 5 days (to let her get used to it), then try new thing the next 5 days, and so on. I did that with rice cereal and puree starting from 6 months. Since my baby adopt solid food quite good, she started congee before she turned 7 months.

Are you still breastfeeding your baby? If yes, then no need to give formula, mama milk taste the best and is best for health. If your mother-in-law ask you to give your baby formula, then tell her that you can provide plenty of mama milk (she won't go to prove whether you have plenty or not). Tell her that fat is ugly, only strong and healthy is good, your baby have to become Miss Hong Kong in future, how could pork chop become Miss Hong Kong?

Oh, one more tip, what kind of spoon you are using to serve your baby? If the spoon is too hard or too large, your baby might not like it. I bought spoons from Mannings, not a famous brand, with white plastic cover on the spoon (around $19.x / 2 pcs).



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