




積分: 192

發表於 06-5-12 06:42 |只看該作者


I delivered on 29/4 in B4. I didn't expect my BB to be so 'big' - 9.5lbs because closest expected weight days before delivery was around 7.5lbs. BB came (NSD) with some difficulties as I heard midwives say there would be a need to call a doctor when seeing shoulder coming out with difficulty. In the meantime, nurses helped push BB over my tummy. Just a couple of minutes, it came out. Thank God for all of them, if not, I couldn't imagine how a 'big' baby could come out with no harm.
I was so touched by their very skillful assistance, though this is their job, I dare acknowledge their very warm service. As they left the delivery suite, some nurses came in and out to measure my blood pressure. One of them, I guess, was a senior nurse, talked to me for fairly long. Kind of counselling... She put me on a warm outfit. Very unusual. Because last time when I gave birth the first time, none of the staff would be so nice to care about me, very cold indeed in the room, being alone (not to mention which hospital last time). Several QE nurses also came in at different time to ask whether I felt thirsty and then helped pass me warm water. So sweet.
That was a very good start after my delivery. I must give thanks to those who really render service with sincerity. I often hear other mothers complain about the service of nurses in public hospital. Here I would like to acknowledge those nurses who really serve with HEART. Because of a good experience after delivery, my recovery is good.


積分: 14461

發表於 06-5-12 18:20 |只看該作者

Re: 值得表揚的QE員工


It's so kind of you to share such memorable experience with us. But actually when I was reading your message, I just wondered why there's such a 'big' difference in the expected weight & the actual weight. I remember a midwife said (in a prenatal talk) there could be very very dangerous when BB is stuck with its shoulder during delivery. I was relieved that you could go through it.

I've been going to QE for prenatal check-up for 7 months. There're more & more pregnant women than b4. I found there're lots of new nurses & doctors and their qualities are various. I planned for my delivery at QE at first but I've changed my mind & I'll go to the private hospital.

Anyway, so happy to have read your message. Take more rest la. Wish you & your BB a very very happy life.
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積分: 192

發表於 06-5-12 21:14 |只看該作者

Re: 值得表揚的QE員工

Agree with your observations that there are many young doctors and their qualities are varied. Just the date before delivery, I discussed with my husband about delivery at public or private hospital and finally we decided to be at QE because we prepared to have expenses for BB instead of myself. That's the most concern we got for our decision. Indeed, I checked with a private doctor who told me the expected weight after ultrasound scanning. Well... that's another reason for my choice to be at QE. Anyway, I am grateful that I could deliver safely as nurses and experienced moms told me similar stories like the one you mentioned for problem bb coming out with shoulder, kind of danger.

Hope you have an enjoyable maternity.


積分: 7818

發表於 06-5-13 13:13 |只看該作者

Re: 值得表揚的QE員工

I gave birth to my baby in Nov 2005 and I was in G11, QE. The mid-wifes there were very experienced and helpful. While I was staying, they arranged all sorts of mini-course for us. I had a very good experience at QEH and I will recommend anyone to give birth there.


積分: 1553

發表於 06-5-13 13:51 |只看該作者

Re: 值得表揚的QE員工




