




積分: 834

發表於 07-4-16 04:13 |只看該作者

Check your insurance frequently !!

I would like to share this with everyone. I have a very good friend and he has a girlfriend who works in an insurance company. His girlfriend asked my friend to help her buy insurance so my friend bought one. Then later she asked my friend to apply for a credit card from that insurance company and my friend did that too. Then later my friend found out there's a charge of approx $200/mth which said insurance fee. But the insurance my friend bought pays through bank account directly so he asked his girlfriend, his girlfriend told him she "personally" helped him bought another insurance. My friend called the insurance company and found out his girlfriend actually helped him bought 4 other insurance by faking his signature. My friend broke up with that girl but he didn't report it to the police. So if you help your friend or someone close to buy insurance, be sure to check your account frequently just to make sure nothing will happen to you.


積分: 9006

發表於 07-4-16 11:17 |只看該作者

Re: Check your insurance frequently !!

dear elaine,

好耐無見啦, 多謝你的分享呀, 我現在買保險都會好小心, 因為真係唔想俾人呃.


積分: 20722

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 07-4-16 22:54 |只看該作者

Re: Check your insurance frequently !!

I always suggest my clients / friends to check their insurance profile periodically eg. every 1/2 or 1 year as a habbit by directly write or even phone to ask customer service department sending themselves all insurance details to the correspondence address. This method is extremely accurate to know what insurances which are under your name.
The details / summary will be directly on your hand but not through agents.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-17 00:21 |只看該作者

Re: Check your insurance frequently !!

Dear Crystal,

Yeah!! long time no see !! But actually I comes in here everyday. Just that I want to share that with other mommies so they will protect themselves. I know there are some good agents that will not do those kind of stuff. It's just that this girl took advantage of the relationship with my friend.
BTW.......How's your son?? He is a big boy now. I guess the things I mailed you don't fit him anymore. My daughter can't wear small bibs now.


