



積分: 834

發表於 07-4-22 02:27 |只看該作者

Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Cruise?

We want to go to Disney World w/my daughter. I'm interested in the 3nites cruise and 4 nites resort, has anyone been there?? Was it good? I've heard that the Disney cruise have alot of activities for kids which they will daycare your child the whole day until dinner time, is it true? Does anyone know?


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-23 23:49 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

Disney world alone is good enough to spend 7 days but since your daughter is very young, I wonder what games she can play?

Regarding on cruise, any cruise which target for family will have lots of activities and I guess Disney cruise is very expensive if compare to other cruise.

If you go on holiday, obviously you want to spend sometime with your daughter and teach her something new, why you want to put her in daycare for whole day?

We were shopping at Ikea in the last 2 weekend and my daughter loves the Smaland very much. It is only an hour for kids but they take it very serious. We need to sign the form, have the device in case our child has problem and they can beep us right away. You know, all kids in Smaland has to reach certain height and I am not sure if any place can keep your child for whole day. You know kids need parent around and they feel bored very easily, so dont think you can just leave her for someone as she still very young.

My colleague just came back from Mexico for a 7-nights all inclusive package and he only pay $3000 for a family of 3 which includes flight, 5-star hotel, unlimited food and beverage. He went to Mexico almost every year as it is so cheap and his daughter loves it very much.

Anyway, shop around travel agent and compare with the price.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-24 09:33 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Thx for the information. Actually we not only want to let my daughter to have fun with those Disney characters but we also want to spend some time alone by ourselves. Cuz I've heard that the Disney cruise staff will come knock on your stateroom door in the morning to pick up your child(ren) and they will be gone for the whole day until dinner time. We were hoping that we can have a relaxing holiday also while my daughter was having fun. I guess we will be quite busy and tired when we are off the cruise in the Disney World. My friend told me the most successful thing in the Disney Cruise is when she embark the cruise, she saw tonnes of children running around. But once they got on the cruise, all the kids were gone. Wherever they go, there are just adults enjoying their life. Sometimes she can hear children laughters but she can only hear them but not seeing them. She told me her 3 yrs old son was having a great time and he didn't even want to leave those activity rooms for dinner. She told me even dinner time they separtate families and adults with no children so they won't be disturbed. Hahahaha.
I went to IKEA before but they said my daughter is like 2cm below the minimum height. Also I've seen an article telling horrible things about ball pits and stuff. Although I dont' know if it's real but I'll post it out and let you see it.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-25 04:43 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

If you really interest in Disney, you can easily get all information from their web site. In fact, most cruise has those daycare facticilites but not sure if it is free or not. Personally I dont mind to keep my daughter with me but leave her for kids program for few hours, but definitely not whole day! Holiday should be a whole family activities and my daughter always say "mommy do you remember...." and it is the best way to have a common topic between us.

Regarding your article on the playground, yes, it may happen in somewhere, but I dont think it is common. If you really look at how Ikea run the Smalland, only kids are inside and everyone has only 1 hr inside. They have limit on the height, so older kids cannot get in as well. It also monitor with camera and I do feel safe to put my daughter inside. The ball's room, yes, they dont clean it very often, but the main issue is have them to wash hands whenever they put the hands in their mouth. My daughter is 4.5 and she knows what is dirty and pain, so I think the best way is to send your child slightly older as they can tell you what exactly happen while you are away.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-25 08:32 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Thanks !! I've been on an Alaska cruise before but at that time my BB was too small so I can't bring her in to the daycare centre there. It was free tho. I wanted to go to the Carribean also, I've heard it's fun. Anyways, I've searched on the website and I've asked the Disney to send me a package of vacation information already but I just want to see if anyone's been there before for an advice.
I want to bring my BB to IKEA one day too cuz last time she was too short, hopefully she's tall enough to go in there now. Thanks.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-26 01:11 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

I never been to Alaska but I guess your daughter is too young to go for Disney as I saw from web site, most programs are started from age 3.
My colleague has been to Alaska and Mexico and he told me it is better to go for Mexico if your child loves water. He went there 3 times already and every time he enjoy it very much. Disney is good, but the price is very costly.
Besides, there is plenty of cruise from Orlando, Disney is not the only cruise and I have been to a 3-days cruise long time ago, it is lots of fun. Besides, dont you think only Disney is good enough for your daughter as it includes so many theme park there. I have stayed there for 7days before and still think not long enough.

Having heard that you are planning holiday for your family, I guess your relationship are improved alot. How about just have your in-law to take care of your daughter for evening, then you can have a romantic dinner with your husband? Or take your daughter to have strawberry picking in Richmond in May, it should have lots of fun. It is summer time and Vancouver should have lots of things to do and I hope you enjoy your time with your family.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-26 04:06 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Alaska cruise was super boring. I think it's good for retired ppl. I've been there twice, first time w/my mom and some relatives when I was younger, second was w/my husbund daughter and in-laws. The food was not good and nothing really to see. We were just thinking of going to Disney World for her 3rd birthday. It's expensive I know but since I haven't been there before and I've heard that it was so much fun. We will go on a cruise to Europe also end of Nov but that one will be with my in-laws and their family which will not be too much fun for me. Sometimes going on a vacation really depends on who you are going with. I'd rather go on vacation w/my family (husbund and daughter) alone or w/my own family(mother and sister). I don't find it fun when going with them. My mother in law is a really bossy person and I don't like it when she always order me to do stuff. Sometimes we will bring our daughter to them but they will "ee ee or or". And when I don't bring BB over for dinner they will "ee ee or or" also. Very annoying. I sometimes put my BB to my mom instead but she lives in Richmond and I lives in downtown which is quite far away.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-26 04:30 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

I am jealous about you! I know Alaska is boring but since we never been there, we just wish to see the giant ice!
yes, agree that it depends on whom you travel with and it can make a big different. Is your husband easy to take day off? In fact, there is lots of things to do with your daughter in Vancouver. Last time we went for blue berry picking and corn maze. As I mention before, strawberry is in season soon! Then there is a water world in Richmond. Or you can just join a one day tour to pick up fruit later in summer. I wish I can be free as you! Science world can spend 1 day as well as Aquarium. As my husband got bonus from his company, we are free to travel to all tourist attractions in Vancouver includes zoo, cruise, tourist bus. However I have such a big tummy and it is very hard for me to move around and the bonus will be expired very soon.

Regarding on your in-law, it is very common for everyone. Since my law are in India, sometimes I missed to have someone I trust to take care of my daughter. I have to take her whereever I go.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-26 05:17 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


my husbund opens his own retail store so it's easier for him to schedule vacation times, but actually he only have day offs on Tuesdays. I've never been to a blueberry farm but i've been to a strawberry farm when I was in elementary school. I remember I saw alot of spiders there so I was scared until now. Hahahahahha!! I want to go to the corn maze also but my husbund said it too far away and my friend told me it stinks there. Since I lives in downtown, we always go to Science World and Aquarium but we couldn't spend the whole day there cuz my BB has to take afternoon nap. Good that your husbund's company have so many benefits. BTW.....when is your due date?? Is your older one jealous of your belly already?


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-26 05:37 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

My due date is JUN 20 and I will work till end of May, hope my son will not come early than that. My daughter didnt jealous at all, instead, she said she will help me to push the baby. I already bought a rocker chair for new born boy, so when he came, my daughter has the responisiblity to take care of him. Speaking of jeaouls, my daughter was upset by my neigbour as she talked to her friends and forgot about her. She came home and has bad mood! I am so glad that I have another boy to accompany her!

I have been to strawberry farm in Australia and I rarely seen spider. For blue berry, no...it is so clean and my daughter has great fun there! Corn maze..no stink at all but we really lost in the maze and we all exhausted when we came home. It is not that far, just an hour drive from city as it is in Surrey only.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-26 05:58 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


So good to hear that you have such a lovely family and neighbors. The ppl that lives in our building are not very considerate as they throw garbages on the hallways and grafitti on the elevator doors and stuff. We have already listed our place and somebody is going to come to see our house tonite. I've been busy cleaning the house all morning. Living room Living room Living room as my BB mess it all up every 30 mins. Wanna die.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-26 06:13 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

have you bought a new house yet? yes, if you have family, it is not good to live in downtown as people come and go easily and those people are not good care of the area.

We live in Burnaby and it is a townhouse, we have a large balcony and my daughter will blow bubble everyday she came home from daycare. if the weather is good, she will take her tricycle or scooter down the staircase and ride on the side walk. It is very pleasant for me and I dont want to live in downtown although both of us work in downtown area. Last summer I even set up a swimming pool at our balcony but the water just too cold for her. Sometimes we have BBQ and so far our housing complex is quiet clean and no bad people around. Yes, my husband complains one of the house has strong marijuana smell, but they didnt do anything bad so far and I think it is very common in Vancouver!


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-26 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


We haven't buy new one yet, but actually we are looking for apartments in downtown area again cuz my in laws lives in downtown and they force us to go to their place for dinner everyday :-(
Well at least our area have alot of children playgrounds and the seawalk is not bad too. Just that I want to live closer to my mom more.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-26 23:37 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

If it is close to seawalk, I assume you live in Coal Harbour, right? It sound likes they are really rich people as I never dream to live in those area!

Anyway, Richmond to downtown is not that far and the RAV line is coming soon, so it will be easier for you to visit your family. Plus your daughter will be eligible to all good school in your area.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 00:57 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


My in laws lives in Coal Harbour but we lives in the Concord Pacific area. My husbund wants to look for places in Coal Harbour area also but I don't want to live too close to them, I think we are already close enough right now so I begged him to find a place again in the Concord Pacific area. His family has some $$ but not us actually.
A preschool have just accepted my daughter's application and she will be able to go to a montesorri starting Sept. I've been on their waiting list for a while and I actually hope my daughter could go to their Science World location, but now they have a new location opening Sept so we decided to let her go in there first and see. I've heard that montesorri school is really good.


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 01:12 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

Is Concord Pacific area near the Granville bridge and overlook the False Creek? I pass it everyday as I took 98B to Waterfront. It is all brand new building and looks very nice. I always wonder how much to buy an apartment over there?

Concord Pacific, is it the builder you said they never fit things? I saw that name very often and it seems they have lots of construction going on in downtown.

Congratlation to your daughter to get in preschool. Yes, I heard Montessori is good but the price is too high and I am happy just normal daycare. My daughter will drop off from daycare from JUN when I start my maternity leave, then going back to kindergarten in SEP.

How about Katsilno area? I dont mind close to in-law as long as I have my own place. Atleast you close the door, you dont see their face! Since you eat with them at night, so it is better to be close by and in the future, you can have them to pick up your daughter from school. By the way, is she going to full day or half day?


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 01:45 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


Yes, the concord pacific are those apartments between Granville Bridge and Cambie Bridge. It's a pretty nice area cuz there are alot of young couples and ppl have pets. The community centre there is very good and clean also. The new concord pacific buildings are not good but the older ones are great, right now they don't really care about the quality, all they want is the $$. Actually they are not as expensive as you think there but it really depends on how big and what view the place you want. Of course if you want a panthhouse that will cost a fortune.
The montesorri preschool my daughter is going to is not very expensive. But it's only a 3 hr mon-fri class and it's $360/mth plus $25/uniform(the uniforms are expensive I think) I've been to some daycares and the ones I like are really expensive like $1xxx/mth.
I don't want to live too close cuz they will use a telescope and moniter us, they used to live in the concord pacific area also (i mean my in laws)


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 02:16 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

Yes I assume most people live in Concord Pacific is young couple with pets as I doubt family would like to pay same price with less space. Besides, I guess you dont have much facilities nearby as library is within my walking distance. But I dont mind to take my daughter to play there once a while as it is very pleasant to see the boat and green grass.

$360 is not expensive as I think my daycare charge similar price for half day. But uniform..I feel weird as not many kids wear uniform in this country.

It is funny to see if your in-law use telescope to monitor you....are they suppose to be working during the day time and you will close the curtain at night, right? You should feel lucky that they dont ask you to live next to them since they are paying for the house.


積分: 834

發表於 07-4-27 02:32 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui


I walk to the Library Square with my daughter during the summer time once last year but I guess she was too young at that time and she jumped around and scream inside. But right now I goes there everyweek w/her by driving cuz it's cold and we goes to the Richmond Public Library once a week also as her school right now is in Richmond. I found that the Richmond library is more organized and has more stuff than the Vancouver one. Well......Richmond is a richer city than Vancouver I guess !! hahhahaha. I goes down to the playground w/my daughter everyday during summer time and we can take a ride on those small boats to Granville Island. I teached her all sorts of fruits and veggies there. Tho the boats are expensive.
I find the uniform thing is weird also but since that school was highly recommanded by other parents so I might as well stick to their rules. That school interviewed our family and my daughter before accepting her. Lucky that she sits there nice and still while we were talking with the teacher and she was able to answer the questions the teacher asked her.
My in laws are "unbelievable", they do all sorts of weird things that makes me feel very uncomfortable. They gets off work very early like 3pm and they will start to telescope us and see what we were doing. At night time they will call and ask us why our lights are still on ?-( Last time my 99 gave my daughter a small lucky star (I've already told her not to) and my daughter stuck it into her nostril, we ended up in the hospital asking for help. my husbund told her about it and then she took a star and stuck it into her own nostril just to see if it hurts. It took her hours to remove it ?-( And last nite when we prepare to go home after dinner from their home, my daughter banged her head on the wooden front door, my daughter cried like hell and when we got home, she called and ask if BB is alright. My husbund told her BB was fine, then she said she tried to bang her head to the door and it hurts for at least half an hour so she asked us to bring BB to the hospital lor........ She's just crazy


積分: 1136

發表於 07-4-27 03:08 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone knows how much is it to go to Florida Disney World w/ the Disney Crui

It is funny to hear your in-law story but I guess it is normal for any family. As I said, sometimes I miss my in-law as I have no one to help me out and we have no one to accompany us for dinner during festival season. You should look at the bright side.

Is your daughter is the first grand child in your husband's family? It seems they have no experience when dealing with child and I assume your husband was brought up by either nanny or maid and your in-law are lack of experience for handling small child.

Yes, downtown Vancouver is not good as Richmond if you look for facitilites as Vancouver is for working people who dont bother all those library or community centre. But I guess it is better if you are at Katsilano, English Bay or Mount Pleasant area. Richmond is good but I will say not as good as Burnaby as you need a car to travel around Richmond. In Burnaby, library, shopping mall and recreation centre are all in walking distance.


