




積分: 6207

發表於 07-1-16 11:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

I know my bun bun is on the way applying to Canada. So, I am going to apply a one from overseas & usually will take around 2-3 months time.

1) Just in case the new maid's visa approved, but the old maid still in HK. Can I stop the new maid's application or when should I stop the new maid's application?

2) If I stop the new maid's application after visa approved, shall I need to pay the new maid 1 month's notice payment? Or I only have to pay the new maid after she landed in HK?

Pls help with tks.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-1-16 14:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

I know my bun bun is on the way applying to Canada. So, I am going to apply a one from overseas & usually will take around 2-3 months time.

1) Just in case the new maid's visa approved, but the old maid still in HK. Can I stop the new maid's application or when should I stop the new maid's application?

2) If I stop the new maid's application after visa approved, shall I need to pay the new maid 1 month's notice payment? Or I only have to pay the new maid after she landed in HK?

Pls help with tks.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-1-31 11:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Mrs. Rose,


I signed a contract with an agent on Jan. 25, the maid is now in Philippines. I called the agent on Jan. 29 to check the status as I need the maid in urgent for replacement.

The agent said the contract already submitted to Phil. Consulate. I called the maid on Jan. 30 asked if she signed the contract, the maid said she hasn't signed the contract yet? How come, the agent can submit the contract to Phil. Consulate without the signature of the maid?

Pls help or is there any tricky on the agent? Tkssss!


積分: 6207

發表於 07-2-1 11:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Thanks Mrs. Rose,

When I signed the contract is blank & without the signature of my maid. But when I called my maid in Phil., she said she hasn't signed & she is finding money. May I know the maid need to pay & how much when she need to sign the contract? Tkssss!

yankimama ,

I called the maid on Jan. 30 asked if she signed the contract, the maid said she hasn't signed the contract yet? How come, the agent can submit the contract to Phil. Consulate without the signature of
the maid?

{The best way is to check with your Agent, what happen? When you sign on the contract is BLANK or already with your maid's signatures? If none,
I think most probably is the Agent signed your
maid's signature without send to your maid to sign}


積分: 6207

發表於 07-2-5 11:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Mrs. Rose,

I interviewed an existing bun bun yesterday. She looks good to us. Then we called her employer, her employer also said she is good. She needs to work till Feb. 15 & then she is free.

The problem is how can I verify if the one talk to me is the true employer. I will write a letter to the contracted address, but still not sure if the employer can receive my letter & call me back for comment.

Do you have any other suggestions? Tkssss !


積分: 6207

發表於 07-2-15 17:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Mrs. Rose,

I am applying a bun bun from overseas & is waiting for a visa. I want to know once I got the visa, how soon the maid can arrive HK? My bun bun has worked in HK 10 years ago. Can she apply examption for exam in Philippines? Many thanks.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-2-16 12:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

Many thanks for your reply. You are really helpful. My bun bun worked in HK 10 years before (she worked 4 years in HK). Does it mean she can apply exemption for the examination? Can you estimate how soonest my maid can arrive HK upon the visa issued? Tkssss.


I want to know once I got the visa, how soon the maid can arrive HK?
{For me is normally 5-7 days. You have to check with your own agency for their standard.}

My bun bun has worked in HK 10 years ago. Can she apply examption for exam in Philippines?
{You mean she have 10 years experience working in HK or work in HK 10 years ago (1997)? The present regulation about exam doesn't apply to those helpers with ex-HK experience. She just have to apply for exemption from the exam will do.}


積分: 6207

發表於 07-2-23 09:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

I am applying a bun bun from overseas. I want to know when the levy will be effective. I know once I need to get the visa, I need to pay the levy.

But if the levy effective (charged) from the date I get the visa or from the date my maid arrive to HK. As there is 1-2 weeks difference. Tksss.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-3-1 09:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

Would like to ask the followings. Tks.
1) When I faxed to Immigration to speed up the visa time, I mentioned that my present maid will leave at the end of Feb. But this is not quite the fact (& something change in between), now, my maid can wait till the new maid arrive before she leave. So, is it legal for my maid stay till end of the March (I haven’t informed the Immigration formally about her date of leave)?
2) In case (just in case), my present maid change her mind & wish to stay with us, the paid levy for the new maid can shift to the present maid in the next levy paid period. Tks


積分: 6207

發表於 07-3-1 17:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

Would like to ask the followings. Tks.
1) When I faxed to Immigration to speed up the visa time, I mentioned that my present maid will leave at the end of Feb. But this is not quite the fact (& something change in between), now, my maid can wait till the new maid arrive before she leave. So, is it legal for my maid stay till end of the March (I haven’t informed the Immigration formally about her date of leave)?
2) In case (just in case), my present maid change her mind & wish to stay with us, the paid levy for the new maid can shift to the present maid in the next levy paid period. Tks


積分: 6207

發表於 07-3-12 13:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

My present maid's last working day will be on March 29. I want the new maid come direct without any vaccum time. But I also want the new maid's body check report issued before I bring her back to my home.

I learnt that it will take 2-3 days to have the body check report issued. During the 2-3 days, either one will not have insurance covered. Is there any better arrangement you can suggest? Tks.

The agent fee will include the body check in HK. But I will bring my maid for body check. Is it reliable? I have heard that if using the agent's body check clinic, it may not be so reliable. Pls advise & help. Thanks.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-3-29 10:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

I have the following urgent questions:
1) My friend recommend me a Philino maid which she want to terminate the contract with her. The maid has been working for her for 1 year. My friend wants to terminate her in the reason of Financial Problem which the maid no need to go back to Philippines. But my friend also has another maid under her name. (It means my friend will terminate one with financial problem, & at the same time keep another maid). Is it reasonable to use financial problem & the maid need to go back to Philippines?

2) Originally, I have applied a maid from overseas, but she didn’t show up, the agent told me that she broke her leg & can’t come. I think this is only an excuse that the maid doesn’t come. Under this reason, can I ask a refund from the agent or what I can do to get back the agent fee?


積分: 6207

發表於 07-4-3 11:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

URGENT! Thanks
I just got an interview with a finished contract bun, she said her last working day was on Mid March & found an employer & stayed with them for 2 weeks & found that not suitable, so, she terminate the contract, but the working visa hasn’t approved yet from Immigration.

So, she still can find new employer. But one thing I can’t understand is that she said she need to report to Immigration on April 10 & that is her last day to stay in HK. So, we can’t process the contract to Phili. Consulate right now. Is it right? Or she want to hold the job & in the meantime to find a better job, as this is her last chance, otherwise, she need to go back to Phili.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-4-3 17:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

Tks. So, I think the maid is "riding a cow & finding a horse". When she find a better job, she may not want to work with me, as I have a one yr old & 5 yr old kids. Do you think so? So, she delayed to submit the contract to Philip. Consulate till the end of her visa stay in HK on April 10 (as this is her last chance to get employer as she broke one before). Do you think so? Do you think should I accept this kind of maid? Tkssss.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-4-7 10:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

Very URGENT! Thanks.

I just decided to employ a bun after trial out. She finished contract & signed & worked with a Western family for 2 weeks at end of March 07 & then she found not suitable & quit the job, her working visa will be ready to pick up on April 10 (that is the first day after holiday) & the bun said she made the appointment with Immigration in the April 10 morning to pick up the visa. Now, as she quit the job, she said she still has one more chance to get employer as she hasn't picked up the visa yet. Is it true? If she signed with me, she doesn't have to go back to Phili. & can work with me straight after the visa approved as I need maid in urgent!

She said if I go with her to the Immigration & bring the kids too, the Immigration will let her to stay & work with us & can defer her leave. But we haven't submitted the contract to Phili. Consulate due to the long holiday. As I need a maid in urgent, please advise if my bun is right that I should go with her to Immigraton on April 10 morning even without the green contract submitted to the Philp. Consulate? Or what should I do? Thanks.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-4-19 13:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 僱傭問題信箱

Dear Mrs. Rose,

Hi! Me again! My friend told me that she terminated a bun & submitted the notice of termination to the Immigration. But a day later, she changed her mind & want the bun again. The bun no need to go back to Philippines & can work for her straight. Is it right? Tksss.


積分: 6207

發表於 07-8-7 13:27 |顯示全部帖子

RE Medical Claim

Dear Mrs. Rose,

I brough a domestic helper insurance which only cover $150 medical fee. Now, my maid has a claim for $180. Should I or the maid pay for the difference. We seldom made the claim, so, I am not sure. Thanks for yr help in advance.


